Megalopolis - population: 0
1 year ago
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

Progression milestones not directly tied to city population makes for an uninteresting speedrun. :(

Taisato curtiram isso
Śląskie, Poland

Unfortunately true ;// There's also the "real%" category that was an idea of Joshua_LeMay in which exploits are banned but i'm not sure if anybody will want to run it

pRo9aMeR curtiram isso
Śląskie, Poland
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United States

After watching the newest video I was bored and disinterested in watching it. It even looked boring to do. I want to know what other people think about what the "end goal" should be. I have seen previous runs of original skylines and it was a population based goal line. I want to suggest doing the same. It would seem like the population based milestone was based on a formulas of (population) / (%buildable_land). I think it might be 100,000 / buildable land.

Editado por o autor 1 year ago
pRo9aMeR e Taisato curtiu isso
United States
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Śląskie, Poland

oh yeah 100k goal could be worth it

wait imma set it up

Śląskie, Poland
Excluído por o autor
Śląskie, Poland

and okay, there is 100k pop category too.


an idea for a category is all tiles unlocked forces the player to earn money to be able to afford it

pRo9aMeR e toomas_ curtiu isso
Śląskie, Poland

How much does it cost to unlock all of them? Isn't it possible with a little bit more cost effective park taxi stall (400$ for 80Points) spamming?

Or do we want to prohibit all exploits from this one?

I feel that no matter what we try, people will still be incentivised to spam to progress quicker and we will Quickly get into the territory where it is highly debatable whether someone put those 3 recycling centers because it profited the city, or because they will help them progress and get free cash for that.

That's why i disabled the Real% category and put 100k% in it's place. In my mind Any% is the spam one, but it also is the canonical way of "completing" the game by achieving the highest city status and unlocking most of the content.

So Any% is the spam one and the only things not incentivising spamming are population based goals like 100k, 10k, 1k(?), propably not a mil but if somebody finishes a mil run then why not, we'll add it.

What do you think about this plan? What population goals are the most sensible?

Also Pro9amer, do you want to be a moderator? I'm unsure of how dedicated are the other 2 mods, as this page wasn't even set up for few days and i had to set things up myself. I will gladly accept help with veryfing future runs, i have ADHD and tend to switch hobbies in quick succesion, so in case i ever forget about moderating, another dedicated person would be helpful.

pRo9aMeR curtiram isso
Pennsylvania, USA

As someone who just set a sub-5 time, no, the 0 pop run is definitely not interesting, but it's a fun diversion for a day. I look forward to seeing what is decided on for a "real" speedrun rather than this any% excuse of not playing the game.

pRo9aMeR curtiram isso

ive done a bit of testing and to get over 100k people would take over 15 hours not sure how many people would do it in a speedrun the games progression population wise seems super slow and tedious there are ways of speeding it up but is still and unbearable grind to do in one session due to some of the mechanics like people wanting a certain building if there are none of that kind on the map that are empty or not full.

pRo9aMeR curtiram isso
Śląskie, Poland

yeah it's shite, i don't know if there is much future for this game sadly :( No runs to verify since my last one 2 days ago, i might do a 10k run, but other categories will take a really long time, we might just delete them altogether.

pRo9aMeR curtiram isso
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