Rules Change + Medium Bounty #1
Rules Change + Medium Bounty #1
Postado 1 month ago por

Nothing big,just fixing a misunderstanding...

YOU CANNOT do Bux% and Terry% on anything other than 1P Normal. This is because adding players/HM changes nothing to the run.

As for the bounty...

there is... 5 touch speedruns,and 1 controller speedrun.

So how about I give yall a longer timer than a day?

Your objective is to fill up EVERY SINGLE CATEGORY with 0 runners THAT CAN BE DONE.

If this is completed before the week ends,I'll giveaway a total of 1000 robux on a giveaway only WR Holders can enter on.

now,since this is challenging,I'll divide the bounty in 4 parts. 250 robux per every player section.

(AKA 250 robux for maxing out 1P,250for 2P,etc...)

oh and shoutout to admirooo for being the only controller speedrun as of typing this lmfao.

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Oopsie daisy!

Hello runners. If it isnt obvious we uhh, have not been verifying runs as of recent. the removal of apple pie made runs just slow to a halt. sure it kinda is our fault. but just so you know, when demo 2 comes out we will actually try to fix this category... cheers!

16 days ago