Navezgane Bike%
2 years ago

As the second place holder I would like to say Flookie is done for He's finished I'm going to beat him once and for all

petroleum curtiram isso

Good Luck, Just posted a new run.

May the best speed runner win phos

petroleum curtiram isso

Haha going to smoke both of you guys just watch

Seattle, WA, USA

If you guys really want something fun, do 19.6 runs of Bicycle%. Mine was only 14 minutes and it wasn't even optimized

petroleum curtiram isso


petroleum curtiram isso

haha and here I was thinking my run was fast you guys got sun 30 some how I'm going to have to watch you guys play because good dam you guys are good

United States

just gotta death teleport and quit + reload to refresh the quest list. also, it seems like it might be overall faster to just skip the starter quest

better off getting the four skill points and use them for movement

FlookieMookie curtiram isso

I have wetlen's run down to 5 minutes I just need to get better spawns/loot tables

phosphoric_sheep curtiram isso

Been doing some of Wetlen's runs as well and I got it down to around 5:50 but i don't get the right items in the creates, this turned form being fast to 99% RNG. Hope I get lucky soon

FlookieMookie curtiram isso

yeah same boat, I got my run to around 5:40ish but I just need the spawns and loot tables to be in my favor.

United States

I'm not sure if everyone knows this already, but the loot should be fixed if you loot it in the right order. your spawn point depends on the game is named. if you name the game "8" it spawns you in front of the National Forest sign

Editado por o autor 2 years ago
Seattle, WA, USA

Yeah it's called "loot chaining", I actually discovered it (it's actually why I created the speedrun board in the first place, without loot chaining I probably wouldn't run this game).

It's important to also keep the same seed when loot chaining.

You should try to get top 3

United States

After looking at your runs there are a couple things you guys can do to shave off some time. 1: you don't need to quit out before looting the car as long as you haven't looted anything else. quitting and reloading just resets the loot chain which you don't need to do if you haven't looted anything. 2: you don't have to let the loot countdown complete unless you need whatever is in the thing. the car for instance, you can start the loot and immediately cancel it and it'll still start the loot chain

FlookieMookie curtiram isso
Seattle, WA, USA

Phosphoric Sheep, if you're talking to me, the problem is that I'm not actually good at speedrunning at all. My hand eye coordination and and general precision is terrible. I just am the guy who spends hours finding all the speedrunning tricks for games lol.

United States

Found something that might be worth trying out. If you go into the house at the start and loot 2 cupboards then the coffee maker it'll have coffee in it. You do need to quit out to reset the chain but it might be worth it

FlookieMookie curtiram isso

Might try that out