A full all games guide
A full all games guide
Atualizado 2 years ago por Drag0n

Welcome to the biggest 1-2-switch speedrun guide probably this is the most optimal routing for the category all games this will go through every single thing that i did in my wr and how it can be improved the lowest i think this run will ever go is sub 22 due to how optimised it would need to be now here is my wr run if u wanna watch along

Before we start with separate games one of the biggest things to think about in this run is menuing after almost every single game you will be able to instantly go to the game select which will basically say that you have finished the game. The most optimal way is by learning when to go back to the game select. Usually the most optimal is by going back the first frame the win and lose show. But certain games are different. A great example would be boxing where you can go back to the game select really early. I dont know why but its really important to learn this to get a good time. From my experience it can save up to a minute 30.

Routing i recommend going in numbered order mainly due to the end being really easy compared to the mid part of the run. Nothing really else to say about this

game 1/28 Telephone The first game is one of the simplest in the run telephone. Just pick up the phone when you hear the ring. Its all about reaction time. BUT remember to say something. idk exactly if u need to but its happened to me where i havent said anything and picked up the joycon but it still didn't work. Don't worry about losing some milliseconds here this game has a lot of big time saves

game 2/28 Ball Count The next game is also easy. just shake your joycon and place it on the ground. Sometimes it glitches out and doesnt register you putting it on the ground. The strat that mainly works for me is shake the joycons for around 2 seconds before placing them. It feels more consistent for me. Also one more thing. Make the guesses far away from eachother because you lose a bit of time if its a tie with the dialogue.

game 3/28 Zen one of the easiest games in the run. Literally wait until the person says go and shake your joycon for around 5 seconds.

game 4/28 Treasure Chest For this game i would recommend just practicing for a bit to get consistent because i see a lot of people being bad at this game. I would say try and go for under 30 seconds consistently that is usually a good run. Also remember to instantly hold your joycons sideways at the start to get a quick start.

game 5/28 Milk Another easy game. The only optimisation is to press sr and sl on both joycons as fast as possible.

game 6/28 Safe Crack Another one that is good to practice consistently. A good strategy is to just put your joycon close to your ear to more easly hear the vibration. Remember to not try and spin it super fast as you might easly miss the vibration.

game 7/28 Quick draw Another easy game. when you start spam the zl/zr button on one joycon until you get a DQ. Pretty simple

game 8/28 Samurai Training This one is pretty easy all you need to do is get the setup right and quickly. hold one joycon above your hear like you are slicing down and the other close to your chest.

game 9/28 Shake Dice The first of 2 rng games. All you need to do is shake the dice for a second of to place them down and then flip them over. After that its just luck with dice values. I always go for 2 cycles but 3 is fine for sub 24s and higher if it ties (which is super unlikely) i recommend just restarting.

game 10/28 Signal Flags All you need to do is point your joycons then look straight ahead. One of the first of the set games meaning it will always have a set time that it will end.

game 11/28 Soda Shaker This will out of be the easiest or most annoying game in the run depending on your luck. Shake your joycon as fast as possible even though its mostly luck it definitely saves time. A way to know if you are having bad luck is if you see the text "Watch the soda shaker!" if it last for 10 more seconds after that I usually reset.

game 12/28 Shave Another one you need practice with. Just pretend shaving although its not very responsive so it can be a bit luck based. I try and go for sub 30 seconds usually.

game 13/28 Joycon Rotation one of the most misunderstood games from what i can see. The best strategy is to actually play the game instead of on purposely failing. This is because the dialogue that the person gives every time you fail loses a few seconds each time. also dont go for any amount of points past 40 degrees you will probs lose time while doing it.

game 14/28 Table Tennis Welcome to the halfway mark. This one is easy just focus on one player and dont try any rallying.

game 15/28 Baby This is my least favourite game of the run. You need to be able to rock the joycon in a good rhythm and very softly.Then place it down slowly. It does feel a little luck based but im probably not gentle enough or something. This one is one that you really need to learn because you can easily lose 30 seconds to a minute on this.

game 16/28 Fake Draw Do the exact same thing on quick draw. There is nothing else lol

game 17/28 Baseball This game is pretty complicated to get a good run on. There are 2 main parts batting and pitching. Always do pitching first so then batting is easier. Theres 2 ways to do this. The easiest way is to just throw fast balls and not bat until you get 3 outs. You can also try and hit the ball too early to get a fly ball and then an out although it is pretty luck based. Also I would say reset if you get any runs in the first inning. The second part is batting. Just try and time it well to get a home run as quick as possible (You could also go for 2 doubles or a triple and a single to be a little quicker but its a lot more luck based). You will only need 1 run to finish since the other team would be on 0 runs.

game 18/28 Eating contest. The hardest part about this game is just calibrating the game its self. Just find a consistent place close to your mouth when it calibrates. Then you dont have to do anything since doing any progress in the game will lose you time.

game 19/28 Beach Flag shake a joycon as fast as possible until you reach a flag where you will get a vibration. Then just pull your flag up. My biggest problem is that it sometimes doesnt calibrate correctly so when you pull the flag up it doesnt work. I would say just keep your flag above your head until it actually goes up.

game 20/28 Wizard The quickest way to do this game is to do a counter. Attack with one wand then immediatly attack with the other. This will usually start a counter and kill or get close to killing the other player (I think thats what happens when the wand reaches the end of the screen). If that doesnt work just strike one of the wands in a rhythm.

game 21/28 Sword Fight Swipe vertically quickly until the other player loses all of their hearts pretty easy.

game 22/28 Boxing Gym At this point all the games are really easy and usually finish at a set time. This one is the same. Do literally nothing and you do it in the quickest way possible.

game 23/28 Plate Spin Don't do anything again. Just remember to spin fast enough at the start

games 24-27 These are all really similar so im just gonna group them together. Simply dont do anything for all of these. With air guitar remember to quickly strum to the rhythm

Game 28 Gorilla The last game. The only hard thing is the beginning with you needing to kind of air bang your chest like a monkey which can be pretty hard with both joycons at the same time. I recommend doing them one at a time.

And that is it that is the end of the speedrun. I wish everyone good luck on doing runs and try and have fun

Estatísticas do jogo
Runs recentes
Nível: Eating Contest
Nível: Quick Draw
Nível: Safe Crack
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