ive seen it in 14th and 15th and i cant get it, is it rng or a way to do it or am i just not clciking fast enough, just got a run and it should just be under 6mins, Thank you!
There is only a certain part of the conveyor where your hand can clip through the glass. You can watch my run or other people's runs to see where they grab it from. Make sure that you are pushed up to the glass as close as possible too. I like to just spam click on it and move with the toy until I grab it. Hope this helps!
@0giraffe_boi Told him on his run video already <3 he wasn´t pressed against the glass^^
If you didn't know, two days ago Twitch announced that Highlights will now have a 100 hour storage limit meaning that you can only have a total of 100 hours of highlights on your Twitch Channel.
The change doesn't come to effect until April 19th, but today we will be implementing som