AFE Speedrunning Discord!
2 years ago

Hello fellow runners! Aliens Fireteam Elite now has it's very own Speedrunning Discord made for the community! Feel free to join us to discuss strategies, group up for coop runs or just hang out! This will now be our main platform to discuss anything AFE speedrun related, such as community voting for rules & changes as an example. Would love to see you there :)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
eazyhitzz likes this
United States

Link comes up with Invite Invalid.

Maryland, USA

The link just comes up as invite invalid, but I would love to join up.


Yep invalid link


Edited the post with the valid link, my mistake! See you soon :)

hey, still waiting on 2 submissions to be posted on the leader boards. what the hold up?!

Utah, USA

@elbowdropgaming, bro there is only one moderator for this community, chill out.


  • Moderators are generally given 21 days to process run submissions.
  • It is not a requirement for moderators to verify all runs every time they visit the site, we understand people have lives.

Hey there! Sorry for the delay, there are multiple runners waiting on verification. I verify them in the order of date submitted, I'll get to your submissions as soon as I get through the ones before you. Thanks for understanding!

Yappy0 and SilentHero47 like this
California, USA
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

@elbowdropgaming: if you want people to mind their own business, try not posting on a public forum. AKA don't be a jerk.

SilentHero47 and Zainyon like this
United States

So I guess this game is dead then? I have runs from January that are still not done.


Hi @BobbyBananas , Sorry for the delay, I will verify your runs this weekend.

BobbyBananas likes this
United States

All good my friend, but I had to ask. This game is an absolute blast to speedrun and all I want is to see the community grow. If you need some help I am sure several members of the community would throw their hat in. I 100% understand people have lives but it is what it is sometimes. The community may be small right now (and a little salty sometimes) but we are all obviously supportive and want to help you spread the load! Thanks again for even volunteering your time to begin with.

ColonelKlatt, SilentHero47 and 2 others like this

I had the D:\ window keep popping up in my recording of Only Way to be Sure runs. I didn't think it effected the video until watching well after completing the recordings. The window pops up and i clear it off in an average of 1 to 2 seconds, actually slowing my progress. No idea why it was doing it. It appears as a blank screen (I should have screen recorded instead of only the game to show issues like this if they arised). Is there any point to submitting the runs? Or does it make it completely invalid?

I'm going to redo them... They are just too embarrassing. But still curious on what you think of weird PC related issues like that.