Thoughts on a "No Wrong Warp" Category
5 months ago
Florida, USA

A speedrun by gymnast86 on YouTube already has the game down to under an hour and it only does the first dungeon then wrong warps to the end of the game, and while i admit its a very interesting speedrun and you should definitely check it out, I feel like there's so many other cool sections of the game and tricks that go unseen.


We are planning on having a No WW category.

Gum1985, SuN_aNd_MoOn and 3 others like this

We could also add glitchless% that is beat the game without glitches in the least time possible

RIFT, Tazmo and 2 others like this
Massachusetts, USA

I like the idea of a glitchless%

BeeCeeYem likes this
Utah, USA

How different would the glitchless% be from "No WW" though? I can't say I'm familiar with the route, but from what I understand much of what is done is just unintended uses of the game's mechanics, as opposed to outright glitches.


The problem with glitchless in a game like this is "what is a glitch". The game is kinda meant to be broken sure Menu Storage and Wrong Warps are not allowed but theres other skips and techinques to "glitch" through the game.

OttoWorld and Dandelyon1830 like this

As of right now, glitchless and no WW would essentially be the same category (No WW will likely probably actually be no menu storage). Depending on how things evolve in the future, that would be something to re-evaluate.

For me it makes sense to have from the start a glitchless category, rather than a category explicitly excluding only one specific game-breaking glitch just because that's the only one that has been discovered yet.

watchkdot likes this

That is right


Not in each instance. You can have fun smaller glitches (wallclips for example, duping keys somehow, thinking of examples), which affect the run a little bit.

While there are a lot of glitchless categories in games, there's also just the banning of a super-major glitch (ACE in some zelda's for example) that allow for all the other smaller glitches to work.

For example here in EoW, they already plan to have restricted and unrestricted EoW, categories.

United States

I vote for a No Major Glitches category. This will allow the community to decide on a per-glitch basis which glitches are allowed and which ones are not. This would be a good partition between Any% and PlayMostlyAsIntended%. Rather than banning one game-breaking glitch, like WW, this would allow the community to decide which glitches are truly game-breaking. It also future proofs the category name in case other even bigger glitches are discovered beyond WW.

Louisiana, USA

The problem with an NMG category is that we'd have to nitpick every single glitch we find and ask "Is this considered a major glitch?" and vote on it. Which I don't particularly like at all.


I like the system in LAS where they had any%, any% no HW, and any% glitchless. But from what i know any% no WW and any% glitchless in this game would have barely any differences, whereas in LAS there is stuff like the chain chomp skip and kanalet castle skip