Hi everyone!
Hey everyone, I'm StewMan46. I'm from Scotland and I'm quite new to the whole speedrunning business but I've watched lots of speedruns on Youtube and I thought I would get in on the action. I've only participated in one run on here and one on Speed Demos Archive - these games being Dig to China and Marble Blast Gold, respectively. I'm more of a PC gamer than anything else and I'm part of a few online communities.
Edited by the author
Hey :D yay another person from Scotland :) glad to see your game got accepted so quickly as well :) good luck with future runs and I hope many people decide to run the game :D welcomeeeee (sorry I get excited) :)
stewartinglis1916 likes this
ive never played those, but the names sound like a blast XD howdy!
stewartinglis1916 likes this