I am literally grinding for 16 pace. Over, and over, and over. In every single minute of every morning, afternoon and evening.
But what do I get? Runs that die to stupid RNG in C3. Only three made it past that horrible chapter, but two of them died in C5 and one in C6 (they were 16 pace)
I am LITERALLY about to give up. I didn't even struggle for 18 and 17, but for 16, that's an entirely different story
This is incomparable to my sub 6 on TREO.
This game all depends on luck. You need Prince Noob to give you a quick-kill early enough, you need above 350 seconds on the cars, you need a good cycle in C4 where you only have to wait once, you need a good wall clip in C5 which also depends on luck, you need good noobs in the water section, and you have to hope you get to skip the fish room as well in C6. The fish room skip is skill and luck combined. Total hell.
If I don't get the 16, then Loffs deserves it. But if I do get a 16 before or after he does, I will quit Any% Glitched and move on to Glitchless and 55%.
There's a way to use less time on the car, I've used 260s and gotten past chapter 3 without losing time. Just check my chapter 3 in my any% run. Plus, you only need around 280 seconds normally. Once you reset immediately you're going to get the same cycle. So just wait around 230 seconds (or how many seconds you need) and then you can grind runs
also to note: Spawning in the truck isn't good as you need to jump out, so you have to reset. You will lose more time not reseting then reseting.
Yes, but you will need your car for less time so it is possible to get a LOW 200 second car and still make it out to the end
In my experience Glitchless is arguably the hardest because of o t h e r p l a y e r s. C2 is way harder with a full server at the code door
In Glitchless, C2 also depends on luck because of the code door like you mentioned.
If half of the server is at the code door then that can kill runs.
The most optimized C2 will require having 1336 upon arrival.
If there was a TAS of this game it would probably be 15:1x, 15:0x or maybe even a 14 assuming how optimized they are.
But for Glitchless it would probably be 17 minutes.
I found a hard skip in C6 room 3
(pls don't go for this in runs it's too hard)
But once we push the game to it's absolute limits and if we can't push it further we'll have to use this skip
I am looking for some moderators to help verify since this game is semi-active, If you want to be a moderator message me.