Beta (massively beta lol) F3AR AutoSplitter
5 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

Ok, so to talk a little about this auto splitter. There is a massive chance that this will not work for anybody, but me because the engine WB used basically doesn't have values that consistently do something so this is going to be a massive trial and error process. I will only be posting this one update however and all the others will either be directly messaged to people who want to be testers or posted on the discord I have created for testing the AutoSplitters. (If you go to my profile there is a link for it titled website) ATM there is no function for start, stop, and split because of the statement I said earlier; but I will find a workaround soon enough for you all. (Even if it is just a split function)

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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