3 years ago
Kumamoto, Japan

Jakato streams every now and then.

Kumamoto, Japan

Looking forward to seeing your run, I always recommend messaging the mods on there social media or through the messaging system on to let them know you completed a run

New Jersey, USA

Yeah I ended up editing the Original Category & creating a New Category that's more "Standard" for Fighting Games since the initial rules set for the game were set a while back ago before things became standardized & before the Switch Version was released.

If folks would like to see this game to be more expanded by having more Categories, for things like more Difficulty Levels, then feel free to send me a message somewhere! ;)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Thanks for setting these up Jakato! Just to clarify, what are the default settings? I'm guessing difficulty normal/level 3, and then for speed is it level 2, or 3? 🙏😊

(EDIT: Also fwiw, I interpreted 'Any Settings' as 'any difficulty/speed' (without changing things like # of rounds), that could potentially be specified in the rules if that's a correct interpretation?)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
eeffem likes this
Minnesota, USA

Awesome, thanks!

@eeffem's runs are set to private so should they be removed from the leaderboards? Isn't that why you would set YouTube videos to private? I'd like to see what I have to beat.

Other question, why are there two runs by the same runner with the same character on Any%? Different character I could understand. Can the slower @LiteralGrill and @JaneCrocker runs be removed?

Edited by the author 15 days ago