The splitter doesn't work anymore...
2 years ago

Just gonna gate keep, huh?


Hi, what OS are you using, what version of PCXS2 are you running on, what Disc Release are you running the game on? These infos are vital to check if you can even use the autosplitter, as of currently only specific region releases are supported. For more info what emulator and region-releases are supported, see the info on the github page:

And one note on "gatekeeping". All of us have lifes outside of, understand that not every request will be responded to immediately. thanks for understanding.

Meanwhile, you are perfectly fine to submit runs without the use of the autosplitter by either submitting a run without a timer and letting the mods time it, or manually splitting for your runs.

have a nice day.

SRGTsilent likes this

Yeah, the problem was I was using a real disc. Would've be nice to mention. I spent the better part of two days trying to figure out why it wasn't working.

Virginia, USA

hey man, no reason to be rude here.

As for tech wise, autosplitters only work natively on PC source games. EMU/STEAM/GOG/EXE etc. They have never and will never work for consoles unless you use a tool like toufool to capture a region of your OBS screen.

Hau just assumed that was common knowledge.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

Yeah, if this wasn't clear, for hardware runs there is no possibility to have the autosplitter work, it does only work for the PS2 Emulator PCXS2 (version 1.6.0) and the PC version you can buy from GOG.

Sorry, PCSX2 running a real disc instead of an iso.


That setup is not supported.

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