Klescher 3.17+
1 year ago

Since now the end of Klescher has been prepped with mines and the frame limit glitch in no longer possible in vanilla we've split the leaderboards. i hope you'll have fun running agein :D

United States

Since Ursas have been not spawning correctly since 3.18, can we get another patch split and set the start/end time rules to using the keypads? Make it so you start when you press the checkmark on the fan to checkmark on the garage.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Magic01 likes this

We did move the end to the Rover keypad however I think since there is still time to save in the beginning from the bed to the fan, that part should stay. And regarding the new Split, I don't think that is necessary, as we will only have to retime one run and the following ones will just use the new endpoint. I think of the Splits more as really run-changing changes, like the removal of the fps limit glitch and the addition of the mines.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
United States

With bed rubberbanding? PES has made this run (among many other things) excessively buggy, like the delay for the fan code popping up on screen.

I have a handful of guys (a Klescher org) all competing on this run using this code to code. To us, it makes the most sense for timing. For instance the location of your bed spawning hurting time. I don't disagree that there's time to save there, but makes attempts more consistent.

Alabama, USA
Deleted by the author
Alabama, USA

I have been conversing with some people who do Klescher a lot but not in running. We are contemplating starting on Door press meaning the button is pressed not when the door opens. Will update with a future decision soon @ArcaneAsylum However your recent run would still be invalid due to you starting at the Fan. The reason we wouldn't be using the Fan as the start is to add extra planning such as Optimal Jumps off the balcony and how fast you can memorize and read the code, this will however add a small amount of RNG based on where you will spawn.

United States

Is it legal to memorize the codes before making a run attempt before the code changes? The Ursa code will stay the same so a runner would be able to shave off a few seconds there, and the fan code stays long enough for a respawn saving a good 20 seconds. Again, this is partly the reason we think it makes more sense to do code to code as opposed to clogging the work mine hallway with bodies (and hurting the server's performance) by forcing respawn. And for the end time its a little vague, @caeserip would it require code to be entered? Or just on first button press?

Edited by the author 1 year ago

@ArcaneAsylum I don't think the rules are ambiguous anywhere, it clearly states "stop timer when the checkmark is pressed on Rover Bay panel and the "Open" screen pops up". So you'll need to enter the correct code and hit confirm. On the Memorizing Issue: As far as I know, reentering your bed after leaving the pod is impossible. So that would immediately conflict with the starting point. Also as I stated earlier the route from the bed to the Fan is far from optimized, so there is at about 15 seconds to gain. The Spawn point seems to have a minimal impact of about 2-3 seconds. Additionally, I feel like the added challenge of memorizing a code under pressure, adds to the run. Also, I have no idea why you would clog the work mines with bodies, as most runs don't die there. As to current issues regarding PES and any recent Updates I'm unsure how bad they actually are, so I'll leave that to decide for the other mods. Server Issues have been a thing in this run since it has been called to life, and since we are talking SC there will always be something. I fondly remember switching servers every 20 minutes because your player would randomly trip and fall. That is no reason to not change the rules, but we can't amend all server and game-based issues here, there is just way too much.

United States
  • On the checkmark for the Rover? Sounds good. I was going strictly off what was said in this forum earlier. Since the category rules were updated since your first reply to me, I missed it.

  • My question on memorizing the code involves backspacing early (as if it were a previous run) so that you don't end up heading down to the work mine hallway for the code at all on the subsequent run. It would still fall under your current rules of starting from bed/ hab door, but you already have the fan code (for a short time before it changes again). Your rules (as far as I could tell) didn't say you couldn't pre-memorize the codes. However, this backspacing early would start filling up that area with bodies leading to degradation in server health.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Alabama, USA

@ArcaneAsylum I am going to discuss this with Caesar in a moment but we will likely start requiring a few moments of load time before the timer has started like the Stanton System load screen simply so it adds that small amount of skill and memorization. If this were to pass the answer to your question would be no you would not be able to memorize the code prior and every run would likely have to be on a new server upon join of that server.

Do not take my word for anything here and nothing is implemented just yet. Everything will be sorted out and explained once a decision has been made.

Your current run Asylum does fit the current rule set so it will be considered valid, if this were to change and the button press on the door were the start I will correct the time and leave a comment (this will slightly shorten your time) and if the code memorization were to not be allowed your run will still be valid since you went and read the panel.

Our decision will likely take some time so your patience is appreciated <3

ArcaneAsylum likes this
United States

I think forcing a server hop for every run would be HIGHLY detrimental to the already low number of people attempting to run this.

The little bit of memorization really doesn't add that much skill. We're not talking about memorizing nuclear codes, it's 4 digits you have to keep in mind for at most 40 seconds. To keep with your ruleset and not force the server hop (assuming you are actually able to get into a new shard), just state in the ruleset that you require the numbers to be seen, which would mitigate the potential to skirt the rules to save time.

But again, I stand by the clean Fan Code Checkmark to Ursa code Checkmark. There's only 3 elements that really diversify run attempts for this section: spawn location, how far from the terminal to see the code (you can see it from the corner of the railing, but the speed it takes for the screen to appear is also fairly dependent on server health and the runner's PC specs), and the few jumps to the fan. Removing the spawn location RNG is worth trading for the skill of like 3 jumps. And there is a godspawn where you can hop from 2F of habs to the top of the work mine cage to save a few more seconds. It'll clean up both the issue of skipping the code exploiting current rules, and makes for a very clean button press to start timer (and gives an audio cue for judging the run's start and stop).

But with all that said, I won't keep pressing the point.

Alabama, USA

See the good news is we can add both Fan to Ursa code and Hab to Ursa code runs. So people who want run that route could be possible if we allow both.

Putting the code showing in the rule set is a much better idea than load times thank you for bringing that idea up.

As for my reasoning to being strongly sided with keeping the code in the run is because it's VITAL to complete the run. Without seeing the code it would be impossible to even start the run and therefore atleast in some form be considered necessary to be in the run.

I'm going to spend a good portion of this weekend setting the rules to be that and hopefully add the other route if possible. (Might have to redo a lot of the categories cause the way Caesar did this seems confusing) Will update when I can o7

Edited by the author 1 year ago
United States

The escape route has changed slightly for 3.20 with the initial drop, the two vaulting block sections, changes to climbing/vaulting, and a shortcut is now unusable due to changes in low grav movement. We'll need a new split.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Alabama, USA

We've needed a new split for a while lol. I haven't been on this patch yet, once I do I'll see what we need. Sorry, lifes been busy.


Added the new Version, not sure if the Races changed, sooo...

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So I've been putting this off for a while but it's kinda here? I've made a discord but need help with what we want in the server.

I'm good at making normal servers but I want to forge this around the community so I'd really appreciate your guys help. First 10 in the server will get a badge btw.


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