General Questions
9 years ago

You looked hard for it, don't you? ;)


Hi everybody .

I start to learn this game for speedrun this, but i have a problem : the game crash a lot !! Wich solutions have you for that? A patch or something like that?

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Try to assign the game to only one core.

You can do it in the Task Manager, right click on your Underground 2 process, and assign it to one core. Which one you choose doesn't matter.

Czech Republic


Seven is correct, however the game still rarely crashes if you go to dyno and mash Enter during the loading screen, so don't do that :) Other than that it should never crash.

We also have a discord channel if you're interested to talk with us ;) The link is in NFS general forum.


Ok i did what Seven sayed and it's looks fine :) thank you ! Thanks to the proposition Ewil but i'm a little bad in english and pretty shy so not for now ^^.

Also i have another problem. I start to attempt a run of Stage 2, but some races are not here :o . I've did some try and the problem persist. Exemple : the first sprint we have to do is not here, and the first street X too, sometimes. It's pretty bad for the routing. It's totally random or we can change that? (I precise i've choose the right sponsor, 3 drags).

Czech Republic

Most races in stage 2 - 5 spawn randomly, so you have to use reload trick to spawn the ones you want - go back to main menu, go to career and choose "load career" or something like that, then just resume the career and all events will randomly spawn again. However, using this trick doesn't 100% guarantee your event will spawn, so sometimes you have to do it several times in a row.

You'd know this if you'd ask on discord ;) We won't bite you. It's just text chat like here.


there is many races pools. Each race can have many locations, depending on the current pool. You have to keep autosave enabled, then you quit career and load your profile. Repeat this as many times you want until you get the good placement.

Check Ewil's PB to see how he does it.

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