Gun % PBs
2 years ago

Just use this thread for ur gun % PB and WR

StarWing and FloxyCola like this


Edited by the author 2 years ago
Toronto, ON, Canada

I just got a 12:27

Minnesota, USA

11:39 first run (spring breeze mode)

Ultrabeastpro101 likes this
Toronto, ON, Canada

Just shaved a few seconds off and got a 12:19

StarWing likes this
Minnesota, USA

first sub 11, also done in wild mode instead of spring breeze mode

Louwarrior and RhinoHorn7 like this
Île-de-France, France

2nd run of gun% its like any% but only 1-1, 1-2 and like 5% of 1-3 still fun though, Pb : 10:12

Edited by the author 2 years ago
DrewGoBrr likes this
United States

I just did my first gun% run and got a 10:08 and my through the tunnel was not great.

Louwarrior likes this
United States

I got a 10:02 and barely missed sub 10 by missing the waddle dee at the end. I also recorded it this time.

Louwarrior likes this
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