ACT7 I want you to take down my run!
3 years ago
Arkansas, USA

So people kept saying i was cheating, I wasn't and I even proved it, and I was somehow walking at 17 walk speed. So Im not going to complain about it, I want you to take down all my runs I did. I never cheated in anyway but im not going do the run again.

Iowa, USA
  1. How where you somehow walking at 17 walk speed? The only way it’s possible is if you have speed hacks
  2. I don’t think you ever proved that you weren’t cheating
  3. Most of the community are saying that your cheating.
YUMmy_Bacon5 and Irsyyadd like this
Arkansas, USA

Well most of the community saw on the discord server (except dooshbag). I was live and i even made a video that i wasn't cheating, so i'd like you to take down my runs. Even though it wasn't cheated and stuff i'd just want you to take it down.

Iowa, USA

Ok then. Can I have someone watching his video verify runs this? It’s not you saberz, I was just going on what the community is saying.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
South Carolina, USA

It was weird that he had 17/studs a second. It is true he didn't use any 3rd party client (Ex. KRNL or SynapseX) and even though those have an auto0inject he showed proof he didn't have it on. Either way I think it's unfair for the wr to have a faster walking speed and I like that he's decided he wants to take the run down.

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