We have a group of just over a dozen speedrunners at Occam's Order that prefer to do two series that are not currently listed on speedrun.com, we were hoping to have these added:
"P1 b.net" - The online version of the P1 speedrunning series. This means that you have to progress the P1 series with a new random and undiscovered map for each new game you create.
"Ancients + Baal" - This co-op run requires all members of the co-op to complete the ancients quest along with the baal quest. This is designed to more accurately simulate a ladder reset where the entire party is progressing together and must meet the level requirements (L20 for normal ancients, L40 for nightmare ancients, and L60 for hell ancients) at each difficulty before progressing.
You can submit runs like this with current rules. You can submit p1 bnet runs at p1 cattegory (Using an online character for the runs is allowed, but only in co-op runs you're allowed to interact with other players). You can submit your "Ancients + Baal runs" to co-op category. For this moment there is not a lot of this runs. My personal opinion, it makes no sense to create a category for each run, especially if the current rules don`t have prohibitions.
I support these categories, the intent in my eyes for a Solo "Online" category is to remove strategies that are based on using static maps, so you are forced to deal with new procedurally generated maps every game (This could be added to the Any% Baal alongside P1?).
I like the "Ancients + Baal" version of Co-Op categories because the meta for these runs currently involves G Rushing characters; the strategy shifts a lot when everyone needs to be concerned about how they are doing with xp and can't just ignore it to be glitch rushed through Act 5.
There's also a single player command -resetofflinemaps. I agree that a category is needed where -resetofflinemaps and solo battle.net runs can submit their runs to. Any ideas for a category name and how to structure it within the leaderboard?
I would also argue that the current 8man category is the most accurate simulation of a ladder reset - just watch what all 3 top teams did to start ladder - underleveled tele sorc then the sorc caught up in 15 minutes of cs runs while everyone else topped the leaderboards.
Part of the issue you will find here is that there is already so many categories - Simply p1, px, p8 (although p8 feels kinda dead) normal and hell runs is already 42 categories let alone all the extra categories we have added along the way (I'm guilty here too... I pioneered ng+)
Llama did tele sorc for us and he reached 99 first. The point of any% speedrunning is to beat the game as fast as possible. Adding extra steps such as doing ancients in a specific category, that isn't as competitive, and is not simulating a ladder reset (for speedrunners), does not make sense to me. If there was a lot of competition, then adding more fun additions would be fine by me (like how torch was added as an option to do in solo runs).
I think that "P1 b.net" is will help to enjoy people play d2 speeed run
If more people enjoy d2 speed run, we can play d2 speedrun more exciting
To be honest,beacuse of entry barrier in d2 speedrun, Most of the players feels too difficult to enjoy
"P1 b.net" will help d2 youtube and it will be awesome thx too difficult english.. :)
I would really like seeing the suggested 2 categories.
Online vs offline is completely different beasts. For me competing in a solo online category would be a lot of fun.
Grushless/Glitchless however it's called for Ancients + Baal quest required is also a much better category for teamplay. In a real ladder reset everyone is getting level 20. Why isn't there a category for that? Please please do it!
Okay so I've been playing around with this for a couple of days and I think there is a more subtle but extremely valid point in here: there should be a category for ladder runs.
After 2 attempts running with a ladder character speedrun style, the difference in monster power is actually noticeable. I only did Zon, but fighting Andy at level 13 felt the same as fighting her at level 12 on single player, and same with Duriel, fighting him at 17 felt similar to 16 on SP. I actually didn't think ladder messed with normal difficulty monster stats at all, but it certainly felt different so I'm sceptical.
The old LoD multiplayer runs all used to be done on ladder, and we know from the latest ladder reset times that it definitely makes a difference.
So my point is -resetofflinemaps wouldn't represent the same as doing bnet without lag, because ladder actually bumps up the monster difficulty as well as adding the spice of rubber banding and ping issues. Also @Slivenius, we should switch to doing our duos non-ladder ;)
I'm going to ignore the glitchless ideas, because I think Jym addressed them pretty well above.
I support the addition of solo bnet runs as a subcategory similar to NG+, not sure how to best integrate ladder vs non ladder for multiplayer runs.
Okay I did a complete normal run and I gotta be honest, I don't think many people will play this category. It's everything you hate about Players 1 runs vs Players X, but worse.
Did another I'm slightly less embarrassed by (spoiler alert - saved by a 1st way arcane and marsh skip).
We solved these categories by renaming co-op to online and adding solo category into it: https://www.speedrun.com/d2r?h=Online-Normal-Solo&x=xd1jozwd-onv4j45n.mlnx6onq-9l7rke4n.p120dekl
For offline speedruns with random maps we added ResetOfflineMaps category where setting up -resetofflinemaps is required: https://www.speedrun.com/d2r?h=ResetOfflineMaps-Normal-Amazon&x=5dwxl1e2-0nw05gxl.21gp8e81-789dz30n.klr2pjm1
-resetofflinemaps guide:
Tool is used to track Diblo II: Resurrected loading states with LiveSplit and LiveSplit Server Component. It captures D2R client and tracks loading screens.
Diablo.run client also gives the ability to share your character data after setting up the API key. If you have [Diablo.run armory](https://