LRT calculation
1 month ago
United Kingdom

I'm new here and was gonna try running this but I'm awful at timing, is there any more efficient way to calculate load removed time?

Michigan, USA

Are you running the game on pc or a console

United Kingdom


Michigan, USA

Ok at the end of you when you end the timer that going to be you LRT but if you was running it the pc you could use the autospliter that waifu made because it dose the LRT for you

United Kingdom

That's a shame, that autosplitter would come in very handy. I suppose if I had a full video I could retime it with pauses?

Czech Republic

We don't do any manual retimes. Unfortunately, console runners have to deal with a bit of a disadvantage. Retimes can take many hours to do accurately.

United Kingdom

Forgive me, I'm still very new to this sort of thing, but that hardly seems fair. It isn't a bit of a disadvantage when PC load-times are always going to outstrip their console counterparts, it renders any console run non-viable. More to the point, the purpose of LRT as I understood it - in any speedrun - is to level the playing field. To judge runners by their own ability rather than the ability of their hardware.

I appreciate that it takes time but I must question the wisdom of that decision in context. I'll look into the overall time loss tonight. Would it be possible, potentially, to create a separate category for consoles?

Michigan, USA

For that to happen really to spilt the leaders broads from console and pc the game have to run different and some stuff need to be removed from the game on console but with Mafia DE the game runs the same on pc and console and have the same stuff in the game on both platforms

United Kingdom

That's valid, and perfectly true, but when the timing is so drastically different it means that console runs simply can't work without LRT. Take the world record run - 1:45:53 with LRT. If a console player was on the same pace, and even assuming the exact same amount of load-time as SadCatSteve got (14:39), their run would be recorded as 2:00:32. This difference takes a 1st place run down to 25th.


But isnt that like many other speedruns? If people run a game on console, they are usually still connected to pc via capture card so they can still utilize the splits, or do it themselves manually with more control. I understand the frustration and if we want to, we can still make a category for console only, I would not care if there is no difference between the versions, however that is not my decision to make. Unfortunately, one has to take it as it is, with console you have no chance of reaching times like on the PC version.

Michigan, USA

I don't care about the timing I can care less if I would never get close wr I just speedrun this game for fun I'm just a big mafia fan just trying to beat one of his favorite games as fast as possible and if I really wanted to try get wr I would save up to get a bettter pc

Edited by the author 1 month ago
Czech Republic

I would like to remind you all that this feature exists:

You need to realize that mods work for free in their own free time. We don't get any compensation for verifying runs. Most communities try to make the boards as fair as possible, but we also have to take into the consideration that mods don't want to spend tens of hours verifying a 3 hour long run. Like imagine coming from a 9 to 5 job to realize you won't go to sleep because you still need to do some stuff and then verify, which will take you the whole night.

If the mods have to spend much more time verifying the run than the run actually took, it's very likely that's not gonna be the way to go. There are a few communities that do manual timing, but from what I've seen, the longest was like a 20 minute game.

If someone figures out how to inject console's memory so that we can use livesplit for it, that would be the way to go, but so far nobody's been working on that afaik.

Michigan, USA

I know some community's have a video auto spliter but people rarely make them and I heard they ain't easy to make

Wafu likes this
Czech Republic

@Satan_Gaming666 Yes, you're correct about that. This autosplitter is also very particular and it's not only load times when it's active and it would be extremely difficult to make it work the same for console and PC.

Satan_Gaming666 likes this
United Kingdom

Forgive me here if I've caused any trouble or annoyance, I'll look for a solution on my own time but I shall try not to take up any more of anyone else's. I hope you're all doing well.

Satan_Gaming666 likes this
Michigan, USA

Like I said I don't care about the timing I don't care I would never get close to pc times I just run this game for fun and splitting manually don't really bother me that much