category idea
4 years ago

hello everyone Adventurer of the gungeon I would like to know which category you would like to play in speedrun I have never finished the games at the moment so I do not know too much thank you for agreeing to propose your category


any% no chest%

Edited by the author 4 years ago

in no chest% your can't buy anything and you can't open any chest, only boss items are allowed cuz you need to pick those up to continue. pickups are also allowed. any% is just beat the game the fastest any way you can.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Do you think it is interesting to differentiate the characters?


you could yeah, but an any% is also cool it make people look for the best route and people will discuss what route is best. but when the best route is found that's it so i dunno. imo a simple any% is fine.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

oh and please don't list the runs by characters but instead by routes, when you beat say a convict run you can do the convict rout with any character.


you prefer that I set off routes than any%

Edited by the author 4 years ago

well i mean now you have convict% hunter% robot% etc, would you mind changing them to convict route% hunter route% robot route% etc?

United States

I think a Cultist% would be cool because The Cultist has that slippery hands ability that gives him a new gun every few seconds. But I think any% with any character and any elevator routes


just any% would be for the best cuz otherwise we are gonna have so many categories. but a cultist % would be neat i guess

Edited by the author 4 years ago
MrGrappl likes this
United States

I think just separate it by routes in general. So instead of "Any%" and then the different characters have it as the actual route as the categories.

United States

I think we should set up routes as the main categories and then the subcategories could be any% and it's variations with each floor as a single segment run (e.g. marine route as a category would contain the sub categories "Any%", "Any% - No Chests", "Floor 1", "Floor 2", "Floor 3", "Floor 4", and "Floor 5").

LynnToast likes this
United States

And the choice of character could be the preference of whoever was submitting the run because they each have unique advantages.


I think that is a very good idea but imo, a general any% is also good So routs and their respective subroutes but also a any& for who can beat the game the fastest in general


IMO we should split no chest% into "any% - chestless" and "any% - shopless" and rename the one we currently have to "any% - boss items only" to better represent the rules through the title and also to make some easier routes so that people don't have to jump from regular any% to getting no items at all until after the first boss. also having the characters split into categories is pretty bad imo and it'd be better to split them into different routes since that's where the gameplay varies the most; with the current speedrun and my own that's pending verification there's no need to move any speedruns around and all that's needed is changing the rules of the routes

Edited by the author 4 years ago
LynnToast likes this

i very much agree with proggers

United States

I've been thinking it over and I think we should keep any% as any% and then make the subcategories the different routes instead of having them as miscellaneous

Michigan, USA

What if we had any%+glocktopus, that way you don’t have to go in every room, like in full%

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