Team and fight/tactics
6 years ago
Aquitaine, France

Post here your optimal team comp/fight/tactics and why in detail to help newcomers. I will try to help everyone as much as possible.

Aquitaine, France

Alright so i will be starting here =) so as a team i would go with vivienne for her very good sword fighting +/magic use early game similar like david and late game with the broad sword she has just the best damage output (david already having double long sword) as a second for chiaro and i would say keep this one at anytime coze he is the best mage in the game =) just give him lvl 1 magic fire/electricity and he is gna pewpew everything while you swordfight with either david or vivienne. Tho i think another good candidate instead of vivienne would be cagen, for his high magic too and very good mid game damage: when you get him he has best dmg and he stay there till broad sword where vivienne get better. I guess a possibility would be to change back to vivienne after you aquire great sword. wich i will try in my next attempt =) give me your advices guys and gl on the runs.

Aquitaine, France

For tactics: The main thing would be to use magic as long as you have mana, and when you are oom switch to mellee and use technique on cooldown wich can be hard need practice and good knowledge of timers. if you can pack the ennemis (or if they are already) use a poison/explosiv potion or magic 1 fire/frost to damage these. some situation require to keep a cd for a boss or a fight (exemple berserk for the two last boss of methalon or falcon for robotpig in methalon) also use magic alot befor you fight bosses that cannot be beaten by it ( so it will be full again after the fight) dont use heal more than necessary befor bosses because you will regen after anyway (you have 3 caracter even if 1 fall you can usualy finish the boss with the other two) speaking of bosses, you can on purpose spam all abilitys from a caracter then mellee the boss till your death to then switch to vivienne for exemple and then use her ability, probably a save of time here too (need further experiment to be sure here) and finaly use as much food as you want early you wont need it when you reach late game (only health potion are usefull when you have 3000 hp and the top food heals 200) Most of the time lunge is the best mellee ataque (most range/damage exept with some weapon, like hammer / axes) slash right or left if you have more than 2 ennemies in range or you need to retarget an ennemi after a dodge same goes withthe turn back attaque, you will use mostly against swarm of ennemies (bat imp green brat) its not a fight tactic but, i put it there anyway: practice your ennemis skip they save ALOT of time (first because you save the fight time, but you also save mana/cd you could be using) gl guys and speedrun this game! sub 2h45 next spot maybe an all opti could be sub 2h30 idk need to check with all the fight save i discovered lately!

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