4 years ago
United States

This has been known for a few weeks and already done in the WR, but no strat vid was posted.

You can skip the Aiden dialogue on this mission (after killing the hacker) if you kill the hacker quickly enough. Only one of them can be skipped, so it is best to skip the longer dialogue (Well someone's taken an interest in me...). Saves 10+ secs.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

This only works for fps above 100. You can skip the audio intercepted call between the guy and Tobias by hacking the explosive box nearby. Doing this without losing time requires you to hack the guy's call from inside the car. The cutscene fade (to the map cutscene) also seems to stop the car automatically so that you don't need to brake much to stop next to the bike. Saves 3-5 secs.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

For the new route, you need to use some power turning to get past the cops. Then you need to wait until the guy says, "Oh fuck man, they said you were good. You did it." in the cutscene to skip it and avoid the softlock. This new route is risky because you can sometimes lose your speed and not have enough to get past the cops past the bridge.

United States

We ( @Mrdirtbag and I ) may finally have a solution for the RNG on Open Your World! The new police escape strats are pretty consistent and should eliminate the scan RNG on this mission most of the time. They work whether you get moving or stationary scans. For switching difficulties, it might be better to do them when reloading the autosave in Open Your World and restarting Thanks for the Tip. I also use the RMB for exiting the menu quickly.

After the comparison, I also show that you can get a faster car while waiting for the scans and a possible backup route if you don't get the escape circle quickly.

The only problem this strat causes is fewer robberies in the run.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

The Kodachi is used in the comparison here, but you can also do this strat with the Sayonara. When turning onto the bridge, make sure that you are not going too fast or else you might fly past it. And when on the bridge, stick to the right first then go left. I didn't do the U-turn in the bridge jump part that well, so it probably saves more like 1.5-2 secs.

United States

For the new strat, you shoot early to make Crispin run to his car. This allows you to kill him earlier when he is entering his car/inside his car.

United States

This compares two different jumps to get to the Hold On, Kiddo mission marker if you get a late Kodachi (outside of the escape circle). The bridge jump only saves time if you get a late bike.

United States

You can skip killing the two guards near the display terminal if you throw a grenade over the walls at the entrance.

United States

To do the turn climb, you have to be at about the middle part of the stairs. The turn climb strat was found by @K1ng_xxransomxx.

United States

You can park your bike further to the right and take a different driving route if you intend to go for the dialogue skip on this mission. Shooting enough times (probably 12+) allows Bedbug to detect you, so you don't have to drive up to him. Doing these things gives you just enough time to do the dialogue skip and make it to Uninvited before the mission spawns (if you have a good drive).

United States

This compares the new GL route and the old one. For the new one, you get the GL during Not the Pizza Guy instead of using a cash run after Tools of the Trade in Act 2. Getting the GL early also allows you to use it during A Wrench in the Works to destroy the cars (And Dressed in Peels/Hold On, Kiddo, but it doesn't save time on those missions). All drives were done using the Sayonara.

Estimated Times from Foresight to Backstage Pass: 41 secs (Old Route) vs 37 secs (New Route) Estimated Times during Not the Pizza Guy: 40 secs (Old Route) vs 52 secs (New Route) Estimated Times during A Wrench in the Works: 56-57 secs (Old Route) vs 55 secs (New Route) Estimated Times from Tools of the Trade to Gun Shop: 9 secs (Old Route) vs 0 secs (New Route)

United States

For the new strat on They Can't Hide, you can profile people near the fixed performance car spawn instead of the sidewalk for the potential crime. The benches nearby seem to always have people. It is faster than getting a good spawn on the road. Credit goes to @MrDirtbag for finding this.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

This strat is only possible on PC since you need the spacebar to do it. You need to wait until when Tobias starts saying his line first to press space and to skip that line and Aiden's line after that. For the dialogue skip on the last line, you need to wait until Tobias says his last line to press space. Time save is about 7 secs. Credit goes to @MrDirtbag for finding this skip.

United States

Instead of waiting for the second security chief to walk past the explosive box, you can manipulate him to go there or kill him using the grenade launcher. You can climb up on the closest trailer to kill both security chiefs from there with the GL. This new strat is not easy though because you do need to have a good drive and aim well with the GL.

United States

The Aiden animation and time till the video starts playing on the computer can be skipped. You can do the skip by running at the corner of the computer (close to the bike) and pressing interact. By doing this, you can collect the items in the area: 2 IEDs, 2 electronic parts, and a chemical component. Credit goes to @pofliz for letting us know that this saves time.

United States

The new route can be difficult to drive due to random vehicles, fixed objects, and the power turn. Credit goes to @GALLLABO for thinking of this route.

United States

The new strat has you take the bike to place IEDs around everywhere instead so that you can spawn camp even better than the old strat. It is risky though because you don't have much time to place the IEDs for the car spawn in the east. You also can't place the IEDs directly in the spot of the car spawn because it might not be destroyed. And for exiting the area to reach the car spawn in the west, make sure you do it at about 5 secs because the car spawns get delayed for some reason if you exit the area too early. Lastly, you need enough electronic parts and unstables to make the proxy IEDs for this strat. Credit goes to @MrDirtbag for finding this new strat.

United States

The helicopter in this mission will spawn opposite of the direction that you are looking when you reach the checkpoint, so I look west to spawn it east. This makes it possible to hack the helicopter as soon as you run outside, saving you a couple of seconds.

United States

If you have a Kodachi or Chopper available after the autosave, it is faster to not reload autosave so that you can use them to kill the guy and drive to Bedbug. You want to also destroy the pallets to be able to see the phone from the spot(s) in this video, and that can be done by crashing into them with the bike or using explosives (grenade/GL). Be quick if you want to keep the bike because the timer can run out if you are doing the faster spawn camping strats. Credit goes to @MrDirtbag for suggesting this.

United States

This only saves about half a second, but I'll still post it here. The potential crime can be skipped without needing to shoot the person to skip the potential crime call. You can also skip the potential crime call by hacking another person, a lure, or blockers (at 101+ fps only).

Credit goes to @pofliz for figuring out that you can hack another person to do this.

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