120 star TAS
4 years ago

I know this is stupid, but when will a new 120 star TAS be made, since the next newest one is 7 years old?

Oregon, USA

They are still working on it, it's a lot of hard work.

Vicksland likes this

yeah, I know that. Is there just no reliable way for them to know when since something might take like a month longer than they think it will?

Massachusetts, USA

I think you just answered your own question. A TAS of this length and of this importance is going to be worked on for a long time. Just be patient and let them try to save every frame they can rather than try to push it out as soon as possible.

Victoria, Australia

what is it with people on the forums asking really annoying questions? it will get released when they finish it, be patient.

Vicksland, Zeta64 and 3 others like this
Massachusetts, USA

Your best bet is to lurk in the tas discord and don't bother people about it That's what I've been doing for years now and you can see the star improvements as they come out Or you can just watch the current individual star times here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12Sl41gqLUGzBU0p1nx7uNKOAP835NIoFXqda1j6oqag

Dude_lol4321 likes this
Colorado, USA

to put things in perspective, BOB 100 took like 18 months or so, and that was finished 3 or 4 months ago. idk what route they're doing, but that probably means there's 60-80 stars left, and who knows how many more are gonna take that long

Hong Kong

i doubt any other stars will take as long as bob100 did

Maryland, USA

The 120 star TAS is 1:20 long. The TTYD TAS is 1:43 long and is done annually. See the problem?

thx. i guess ill just wait patiently:)

Any word on the development?

Lab-Rat likes this
Arkansas, USA

Be patient, each star takes weeks sometimes. Last I heard, all they need is BBH but I don't know for sure

Minnesota, USA

I’m just wondering, can someone send me the link to the tas discord? I can’t find it anywhere. Thanks.


honestly I don't mind it taking so long, just means it will be even hyper when it does! really excited for it though :) wonder what crazy starts that I've never seen before I'll see!

Sioux Falls, SD, USA
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Right now it's probably being redone over and over due to new strats being found and having to add those in to be faster and account these new things into perfect coin RNG


that sounds like absolute hell, one frame saved during the first 5 minutes? yeah GL finding perfect RNG for the rest off the run :)


This is a link to the sheet with all the star times, and you can see the progression by scrolling to the bottom of the page and seeing whether it’s changed from one week to the next. Idk when it’ll come out, but most stars have been reTASed in the last 2 years


Keep in mind it is against site rules to have multiple accounts (lululover713, Lululover)


I changed my name, but I didn’t know that, so that’s good to keep in mind:)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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We would like to announce that VC and EMU subcategories are now active on the Stage RTA leaderboards (under "Levels"). Stage RTA involves collecting all the stars in a given stage including the 100 coin star. Timing starts on star select and ends upon collecting the final star. You are allowed to us

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