One cycle possible for glitchless?
2 months ago
New Jersey, USA

Hi MM3D community,

I recently watched the glitchless WR done by iwabi74, after I had seen a new YT video by EonAegis detailing how he beat MM3D in one 3-day cycle, claiming no use of glitches (though I found some of his tricks very questionable). As many know, the N64 glitchless WR beats it in one cycle, though ISOT gives more time than in 3D.

In his video he shows that you can circumvent the ice blocking the path to Snowhead with a mere backflip and walk around it, and I once saw a video showing you can activate the book statue on the path to Ikana from the ground below with Tatl. Would these violate any of the category rules? If not, I don't see why a new one cycle route more similar to N64's glitchless wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities.

In theory, you could skip Epona, not be glitched out of your sword, and circumvent having to use powder keg on milk road before nightfall Day 1, and delay that until Them arrive at Romani Ranch. Additionally, you'd have three bottles and could do Gibdo maze with the milk reward, unless Ikana Canyon without Ice Arrow isn't possible on 3D.

I'd greatly appreciate any community insight!

Iowa, USA

Hi there,

Both the use of the seam in Termina Field and targeting of the feather statue from below are not allowed in the rules. As the person who made the route for this category, it is possible under the ruleset we have to complete MM3D in 2 3-day cycles like the n64 version of the game. However, due to the change to the Inverted Song of Time, which only now halves the flow of time compared to n64 cutting the flow of time to one-third of normal, it is slower to do so.

The big bottleneck to finishing this in one cycle is acquiring Epona's Song, as you must still be on the first day to talk to Romani, complete her minigame, and then relearn the song. Due to the change in ISoT, it no longer is possible to complete Snowhead Temple in a single trip, and still have enough time to get this song. Thus, one would need to enter Snowhead Temple, get the Fire Arrows, leave, and then acquire the Powder Keg. The main timeloss here is splitting up Snowhead Temple, which is much, much slower than just playing song of time one additional time. The route has essentially been optimized to use the additional Song of Time, such as making it day 2 very early, and the cycle reset removes the gold dust from the bottle, allowing us to complete Great Bay immediately thereafter.

steelcrocodile likes this
New Jersey, USA


After reading your reply, I remembered another trick from the aforemoentioned one cycle video. He showed that as Zora you can actually melt the ice blocking Medigoron with spring water, but it's a frame-perfect maneuver and I'm not sure if that's allowed in the rules either.

If it is, here's a route idea: With ISoT active, play the route normally until Goron mask, melt ice blocking the hot spring near Elder, warp back to Clock town, head west, bomb jump with Goron over fence to Great Bay, activate owl, and get Zora mask. Warp back to Mountain Village and do powder keg test.

I don't know if this would actually save time over the current route, if these are even allowed anyway. Just another thought from a fan.

Iowa, USA

The rules for glitchless ban the ability to go west without Epona's song. The bomb jump with goron was half-patched by the devs, and the use of them with enemies were banned because it was clear the devs wanted to patch it. Long Jumps are another disallowed glitch technique that would allow access to Great Bay Early, but due to how broken they are in Majora's Mask 3D (they move you super far), they would create a substantially different run on their own.

New Jersey, USA

Okay, thank you for the clarifications. I'll be sure to tune in to the next record run!

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