Probably should remove all Misc. categories
10 years ago
United States

(The "all" in the title should be changed to "certain")

I believe this same thing happened to SA with Los Santos%. I regret ever encouraging the idea. Misc. categories just take focus away from the full runs. A runner should come into a game like IV realizing that they're either in it for the "long run" or shouldn't be at all. I'm also going to remove all highlights of my RS runs.

Bavaria, Germany

Personally I'm not so much for removing categories. The difference here is that for SA there are quite a few full game runners and LS% was not particularly used much. For IV you're pretty much the only one doing full game runs, and removing the misc categories isn't suddenly going to change that. If this were different I might agree, but I prefer a misc category to an empty leaderboard. If it turns out the majority thinks otherwise, fair enough.

Lanayru likes this
New Jersey, USA

hey! I ran los santos% anyway i think we should keep the romans sorrow categories since thats what more people decide to run

United States

I'm very close to just removing these two categories (RSw/B & RSw/oB). A part of the full run shouldn't be its own category. I view keeping these two categories around in the same way I view allowing a stain to remain on a shirt. They really need to go. In the big scheme of things, not many people view IV's full run leaderboard all that much either, but it needs to remain, clearly. Roman's Sorrow is a much different issue. Name someone who only runs Roman's Sorrow at least once a week and has no intention of ever putting time into the full run? There's no one. These type of categories are already on SRL anyway, they're race categories. I said I was close at the beginning and now that I've typed up to this point, I've made my decision. I'm taking this issue into my own hands and removing the category. It's silly to keep these two categories on the leaderboard. Categories which are not a part of the full Any%/Classic% run will remain though.

Edit: I shouldn't say "no one cares about your best time for specific section of the game" because people do care. This just doesn't mean it should be its own leaderboard.

United States

I can see someone coming on here saying that they only run that category......and I'd bet that same person does a run of it once in a blue moon. You don't keep a category around because someone decides to do a random run of it every few weeks or even months.

United States

Also, there were a handful, maybe even more, of runners with pretty good RS times that weren't even posted on the leaderboards. Itsab, Dispersor, Grekokov, Ryedawg, Jasper, Heinki, and likely at least someone else I'm forgetting (all between 1:10:00 - 1:30:00). Just a very messy leaderboard/situation. (This post was regarding R.S. WITH Brucie.....many, many more were missing from R.S. w/o Brucie)


So you deleted Romans Sorrow Leaderboards, where people actually wanted to get in and cared about the Leaderboards? But left Most Wanted% and Bowling% in where only you are in the Leaderboards? Sorry if I'm wrong..

I don't get this whole discussion about deleting Leaderboards anyway.. if some people want to run it, why delete it? The misc categories are already hidden so no one gets easily distracted by too many fun categories..

Lanayru likes this
United States

"A part of the full run shouldn't be its own category." -full run really means full Any%/Classic% run ::: The other two Misc. categories will probably go as well, they were kind of like a test anyway.

Anyway, more people had done Los Santos% and as of current day, I believe there're actually more people doing LS% than there are doing RS, yet LS% was removed some time ago. I never saw that leaderboard, LS%, but there had to have been more times posted and if not, there had to have been tons of LS% times/videos existing at the time which had yet to be posted. Sort of like RS, but on a larger scale. What is the purpose of a leaderboard when there're a handful+ of really good runners that either never felt like highlighting a really good RS time and/or never posted a RS time? I named these people above and sure, most spent there time running this game before the category was on the leaderboards, but ALL of these runners are still around either watching GTA IV speedrunning or even running the game a bit here and there.

The leaderboard category might as well not exist. A) Many of the best IV runners show all the signs that they don't care about it B} Most of the the times posted to that leaderboard were obtained during a SRL race, therefore, these "best RS times" are already on SRL C) There are a handful of runners who have a RS time beyond 1:30:00 that never were posted to that leaderboard category D) Given that the majority of times under that leaderboard category were obtained during an SRL race, I know people will continue to do RS runs, at the rate they were already being done... E) I can think of a couple of runners that do Classic% every now and then, less than I do, but more than the rest, and now that this category is removed, I really do see at least one of these runners putting more focus on the full run. Call me crazy, but I really can picture it happening in my head. When I spoke of "Misc. categories just take focus away from the full runs", I didn't really believe it as fact, just as a possibility, but now I really do believe it as fact. As I said, call me crazy, but I do see this change positively affecting GTA IV speedrunning.

Friesland, Netherlands

partial any% runs don't have a place on a leaderboard.

Full game runners don't have to care about their Los Santos/Roman's Sorrow/Shakedown time. They might get 'WR' in that category, but then continue on with their run. They forget about their LS/RS time in nothing more but "oh that was gold, nice", but that 3 second improvement won't actually be submitted to the LS leaderboard, with the result that the board will be lacking top runs and #1 won't actually be #1.

So, Russian Revolution% races, anyone?

Lanayru likes this

seems like people care nowadays more about the leaderboards than about the actual game and the speedruns.

Lanayru likes this
United States

Leaderboards create competition, even if you're competing against yourself. Competition leads to better speedruns.

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