Hoverless Mountain Top North Boss Skip.
7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Hey y'all. I've been practicing for a run myself and I'm having difficulty with Mountain Top North. I can make it out to the water reliably enough and make it across the mountains, but the swimming through air portion is tricky. I got it to work by copying what xDeKuScrub did in his video, but it would be nice to know what's going on there.

It seems a bit capricious. When exactly can I swim and when do I fall? When can I press a to swim and when do I just wait and float? Someone please help out here.

California, USA

yeah, it doesn't work for me either

Minnesota, USA

Yeah, this trick is very finicky and requires some practice to get used to the positioning. The best advice I can give is to just mimic videos as close as possible. If you have questions on specific spots let me know.

If you arent sure how the swimming out of bounds works, it only will let you keep swimming if there is land somewhere above you, so its important to keep a mental path of where you can swim (even though you cant see the land above you)

Massachusetts, USA

Yeah pretty much what Skelekat said, you really just have to watch and learn.

Ontario, Canada

I mucked around with it some more, and I have an observation that doesn't fit. Sometimes you can just be still, floating straight up, when the game is like "lol nope" and drops you. Since you were going straight up, if there was land above you before, there should still be, but you still stopped swimming. So it seems there must be a condition other than have land above you. tricky business.

Another question: is it really faster than the version where you just throw hover over the mountains? It seems like it's a good 10-15 seconds slower.


Hovering over the mountains is super inconsistent so runners do the swimming method. I'm no expert but I believe that it depends on where you are swimming. Some areas will send you up while over areas have no water collision so you fall.

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