Expert Mode?
4 years ago
Texas, USA

I wonder, has anyone attempted to route out Expert Mode? I don’t know how different it’d be from the normal route but I’m assuming besides taking more time it’d have more grinding. Merely curious is all.


My understanding is that Expert Mode is only used for the grind. So routing out Expert Mode only hinders the speed of the grind and doesn't do much else. (skip the next paragraph if you already know why Expert mode is used, sorry for extra text if you already understand ^^')

This is because a multiplier will apply on EXP given based on the level difference. So, basically, without Expert mode, you'll inevitably reach a level that'll lower the multiplier, thus you'll gain less exp per battle and the grind will take longer, whereas with Expert Mode you can downlevel such that you stay with the best multiplier available.

Anyway, that's just the two cents of a slow moron, take it with a grain of salt if you want.

Lichzim likes this
Texas, USA

Gotcha. Not the most familiar with DE runs so figured it was worth asking.


Yeah without expert mode you'd lose ~3 minutes on the grind. it's really just pushing more gogols of cliff. not that much more interesting.