Questions about HoB
9 years ago

It's kind of obvious I think, but if a new build of the game corrects a glitch, the run becomes obsolete?


Will it be possible to add a 100% category? With the Gauntlet dungeon too?


I'll do an any% before ^^ But I'll still be interested to that dungeon, even a solo dungeon too ^^


I have another question: will it be a good idea to put this game in the category "Zelda Fan Games series" on this site? Because I think it might belongs there :)


Sorry for my questions, but here is another: I just did an any%, finishing both dungeons, but now I see the rules and I read "reach end credits". I don't see any ending credits ^^' Is it a mistake or any% have another step to do after beating the dungeons?

Kylovic likes this

I searched, I swear I didn't find any end credits... Got 2 medallions, finished Gauntelt, I'm even searching with the debug mode, but I see no way to get end credits :P


Well, since the game is "completed" after 2 medallions, I guess the moment you received the last one (second) it should be stopped. It's the best I can come with :P

Btw, nice guide. I just want to point (not really important) that taking the dungeon map makes the miniboss skip impossible. Don't ask me why, this game is wierd ^^

EDIT: Asked the question in the ZFGC thread. I hope we will get answers :)

Kylovic likes this

We might want to wait until the next demo, I think the third dungeon will be there. The minidungeon is too much... Mini ^^' Feels wierd to call it 100%. But whatever, I'll do what you feel ;)


"All items" Is it even possible? The bombs cost 9999 if I remember well :P


Hey, Kylo, I posted an old run I made at the time I wasn't sure if it was legit or not. It's beating your current record, but I want to be really sure it's good. Could you verify it?

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