Friendly Fire Leaderboards
1 month ago
Maryland, USA

Bring back the leaderboard for Friendly Fire and beyond.

Even if Friendly Fire didn't add anything that would greatly increase the "challenge" of speedrunning, having every version listed is very important as they can be still be considerably different from each other in ways other than just difficulty.

For example, Friendly Fire removed walking during the Searchlights cutscene, made generators one skill check shorter, removed the code breaker dupe (even if it wasn't allowed in runs, it is still noteable) and made several other smaller changes + new rooms.

TL:DR Having a different leaderboard for every version/update of the game is quite important.

TallCowYT likes this
Washington, USA

Yes but Anormal already beat launch wr in new update and we don't want another Doors situation.

Additionally, a poll was made and people voted to merge the two boards.

Edited by the author 1 month ago
Anormal likes this
London, England
Deleted by the author
Madrid, Spain
He/Him, She/Her
1 month ago

guys we lose 3 seconds in solo runs becajse cant walk during the cutscene wipe the leaderboarss NOW 😭​

sunnyagus and Nolyswag like this
Norfolk Island
He/Him, They/Them
1 month ago

чин чопа хук жопа

RarSlt likes this

they didnt remove cutscene walking lol

Edited by the author 1 month ago
Anormal likes this
Maryland, USA

It's back, hooray

Edited by the author 1 month ago
TallCowYT likes this
Washington, USA

Man has no idea how much damage he caused by just opening his mouth.

sunnyagus likes this



also theres no locker for solo players :(

unless your with a team then YIPPIE!


Uh so we are reverting back to having only one leaderboard, we had both a community vote and staff vote (with all the new verifiers) and both came back with "no". Sorry but both launch and friendly fire update will be in one leaderboard.

Anormal likes this
London, England

The versions is kinda gonna work like minecraft java iykwim


now its perfect


Locking thread since we won't give a shit in the future about the seperation due to the "friendly fire" update.

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About the "Friendly Fire" update.

We've gotten a couple threads about how "oh friendly fire update came out, we should wipe the lb for it!!!! !!", well I'm here to say that we won't do that and the decision will be final.

The update itself doesn't really affect speedrunning itself, since the turrets aren't that hard to pass and

1 month ago
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