If i have to inturrupt a run, can i continue it later will it be valid?
1 year ago
Nebraska, USA

I had to wuit a run to go do something, i was having one of the greatest runs of my life, it was on my phone, am i allowed to screen record later and finish the run or would it be invalid?

Gaming_64 likes this

Any runs that are not played in the All Achievements category has to be played in 1 session, meaning that you can't put runs in 2 or more videos. So your run would most likely be invalid, unless if you are running AA.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
grnts, Jux_LuxYT, and Ideal10123 like this
Nebraska, USA

Darn yeah it was a RSG

Gaming_64 likes this

Well you can continue later but you’ll have to keep the game running and therefor lose a bunch of time

Gaming_64 and SpeedIn like this
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