New moderators? New timing?
4 years ago
Maryland, USA

Hi. I am not a particularly skilled Mr. Driller player; I was just the first to submit a run to

With the Switch version of Drill Land releasing soon, maybe now is a good time for new moderators who are more experienced with the game.

Also, if people with more experience think that a different timing method makes more sense, feel free to suggest it.

-- こんにちは。 (変な日本語ですみません!) 私は別にMr.Drillerはとくいわけじゃなくて、ただは最初のspeedrun.comランナーです。




uroco2000 likes this
Saitama, Japan

Hello, I'm interested in this speedrun. I watched 1st and 2nd video on leaderboard of "All Stages (Level 1)" but timing method of finishing is different. On 1st video, timer stops when Susumu reached to the robot. 2nd video uses timing method on the rule. Timing method in 1st video is different from the rule but I think it is better because it's easily understandable in frame. (Time of other runs should be modified if rule has changed...)

Maryland, USA

I agree, poshi.

Also, just now, I changed Level Leaderboard to be the default view, and to prefer using in-game-time. Do you think this is a good idea? This game seems more suited for speedrunning individual levels rather than the whole game. But the whole game should still be an option too. This way we can just use the game's timer and not worry about loading times.

I contacted uroco2000 to see if they wanted to be a moderator. Would you also want to moderate the leaderboard? I actually don't want to be in control. ^.^;

poshi likes this
Osaka, Japan

I agree poshi too. Because I think it's bother to back the title and there are many unnecessary pushing A and start.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Texas, USA

I feel that in game time would be the simplest and most effective method.

We also should clarify things like this on the rules section of the boards to assure consistency.

I'm fairly new to the scene myself so I don't feel like I would personally be qualified to moderate unfortunately.


for full runs, how does starting the timer on confirming a new game, and ending it once movement stops after the second phase of the big drill sound?

Linkums and poshi like this
Osaka, Japan

I changed the rules of timing of Classic! (to match Casual rules!) Please check out! And I will fix the time of that runs until now, soon!

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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