Run timing shouldn't include character creation
3 years ago
California, USA

When the stat glitch was first discovered, there wasn't much understanding of how it worked, and timing was changed to include character creation. This possibly made sense when the glitch was thought to be based on some sort of overflow, but after some research I have determined that it's pulling from debug mode statlines at random. You can see the full list of debug statlines in the following screenshot of the debug mode new game screen, and the list corresponds exactly to the possible statlines you can get from the glitch:

In light of this, I believe that timing should start when the runner hits "Begin", as it was initially. As it stands, including character creation in timing introduces a tedious degree amount of RNG-induced resets at the beginning of the run, for something that doesn't actually involve any sort of interesting or difficult execution. If this change is made I am willing to retime the existing runs to match the new timing.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing your discoveries, I updated the timing rules. So just to clarify, the stat glitch is not actually a glitch, just an archetype that players can randomly get and reducing the attributes as shown in this video has no influence on getting this archetype, right?

California, USA

It is a glitch, but the glitch is that re-entering the character creation screen in that way causes the game to pull from the debug statlines instead of giving you random stats that add up to 12. Reducing attributes like that has no effect on it, as can be seen in the runs that get the SUPRAMAN statline that don't do that.

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