We live our lives taking each second for granted. But what would you do if you knew how much time you had left?
Unus Annus. One Year. This account, much like all of you, has a limited amount of time. And everyday we march ever closer to this channel's inevitable doom. That means we'll be uploading a run every single day until the clock strikes zero. And then, it's game over.
Funnies aside. Hello, and welcome to our new challenge. Some of you may know me already, I attempted this same challenge 2 years ago, and... failed. (too hard smh)
This time, I have brought a friend. This account is entirely ran and managed by Kaixvny (https://www.speedrun.com/users/Kai.) and @Roborg8
We plan to speedrun a game everyday for the next 365 days.
The rules that this account has set in place.
- We are allowed to speedrun different categories in the same game, yet we have a limit of 5 categories per game.
- We aren't allowed to speedrun ILs as those are BORING. (Exceptions for ILs with ~5m run time)
- If we miss a day, the world explodes and the universe itself collapses meow
We hope you can support us in this challenge, and don't be afraid to request games for us to run. (as long as its not hella long </3)
Our first run will be submitted later today.
(not associated with markiplier's unus annus. this is a fan project)
- Kai. & Roborg8
@SkittlesCat We refrain from the limit as much as possible, but CE and main board have a combined limit. also, tackling the Alt account issue. We're just having fun, at the end of the year this account will be basically deleted, and neither me or @Roborg8 have any offenses that might take this as any sort of evasions. again, this is to the sites choice but at the end of the day were just trying to have fun so i dont think itll be much of a problem.
Anyways, i originally had a SM64 run for today. but...
So i went with the next best thing for today.
I don't know how many of you still get this joke, but this will be our first run. (there will be no more 30 second runs i promise, this one is purely for the jokes 😁)
@SioN yep! (except we actually do it)
@SkittlesCat, 100% we have like some big speed games were prob gonna upload first (celeste, sm64, etc.) ut we'll eventually get to those ^^
@UnusAnnus off topic but why are you posing as Markiplier's old Channel name?
@PB_Speedruns the entire concept is based off markiplier's and crankgameplay's unus annus, when i made this account 2 years ago Unus Annus had just ended so it was much more of the idea of having a unus annus type thing on sr.c
though, i do stress that we arent trying to impersonate as 2 years ago i tried so hard to make that extremely clear, though i will be updating some parts of the thread to notify that more.
much like all of you, has a limited amount of time
Sounds dark, but ok.
Will it be a new game every day or a new run every day?
@Gaming_64 More-so new game everyday, but not really. We're allowed to speedrun the same game, but only around 3 seperate categories in that one game before not being able to anymore, but its most of the time going to be new game.
the point of a tone indicator is to show the tone for people who struggle with it like me and saying /halfjoking doesnt mean anything, like are you joking or not? what parts a joke? btw those are retorical questions and i dont struggle with it as much as others so i understood this but just say /j instead
@speedypeepee87 Hey! Sorry, I also struggle with tone in texts, but in the context in that i put /hj meaning as in "Yeah, I believe UnusAnnus was unfairly banned and would want it unbanned and freed" but at the same time im joking because i know mods arent going to unban it, so they whole "movement" thing is a joke
srry <:c
@Kai. its ok i was just letting you know but if i came across as very direct i meant to come across as informative :)