Mod Abuse and Censorship
1 year ago

dang my b


hey i got mentioned! <removed bit about deano>

so my opinion on IL leaderboards, i mostly don't care, but it can potentially clog up the 'recent runs' sidebar which is my only issue with it.

i have no issue with Kuma he's been fair with me, but i don't go on the discord.

and hype ghost, he's a genius, and he came up with amazing stuff like ele manip and FD manip (along with ace) and so yeah, he shouldn't be banned without some serious thought. a lot of people didn't like him and will deny he was good at the game, but they are just jealous or blinded by their hatred of him. he accused ppl of cheating without proof yes, but he wasn't being insincere he just wanted to make sure everything was fair and it bothered him how easy it is to cheat and not get caught, by modifying the game data to for example prevent aqualung ever happening. he's not wrong about that.

he was going through some difficult real life shit and people just had no patience with him and that's on the community more than it's on him. if you could tolerate and help him rather than ban him and shit talk him then it could've ended differently. but he doesn't give a f**k i'm sure cos life is treating him well now. but we lost one of the best contributors to the run in modern times. and all we gained is smug haters who contribute nothing! i'll name no names but you know who you are.

this IL thing seems like not a big deal, not sure why people are bothered by it. just don't run the categories you consider pointless and problem solved. seems weird to attack kuma, but maybe i missed something.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Ganordan likes this

Seems like it has been quiet for a couple of months. Is things going better?

I am new, and been reading up on some forum posts. I had to make an account to express, that i find it apalling that some people try to take credit for other peoples discoveries. Even if they say it is ok. I read that a moderator (I cannot remember who) said that most people dont care about history, those that do can find out themselves. Except THEY CANT now can they? If history has been altered, then how are new people suppoused to find the truth?

Friesland, Netherlands

If you are new, then with all due respect don't know anything about ff7 speedrunning and you are just trying to start shit.

Friesland, Netherlands

and I know I don't know a lot about it aswell! KEKW :D


If you are new, then with all due respect don't know anything about ff7 speedrunning and you are just trying to start shit.

I am new as I just registered to the forum. I'm not totally new to the FF7 speedrunning scene. I have watched alot of FF7 speedrunning streams the last years.

In any case. It does not matter if you are new or old member if you have valid questions.

So with all due respect stop assuming and keep quiet. K thnx bye.

Edited by the author 9 months ago
Washington, USA

The FF7 "Try not to be the most drama centric FF community" challenge proves to be more and more impossible as the days pass.

Lupi_FF7, Ganordan and 2 others like this
Portland, OR, USA

Lovely moderation practices going on in the FF7 community

Portland, OR, USA

Despite calls for improvement, it never gets better

United Kingdom

This one I agree with, the FF7 src has a reputation for being extremely slow with verification and none of th3 mods seems to think its an issue. Sure, its done in their own free time, but with 4 mods waiting 3 weeks+ is a bit of a joke really. New, active mods have been needed for a long time.

Portland, OR, USA

I've already filed reports that are pending to SRC currently. Both of my 100% NON SCM runs were also just rejected after 33 days and 26 pending, and they were rejected due to "requiring my SCM times". What the what? They were Non SCM runs. The state of FF7 moderation is so abysmal that something must be addressed here

Portland, OR, USA

I'd encourage the rest of the community to file reports as well so that we can get action on this sooner rather than later. This is unacceptable for a community like FF7 to be subjected to such abysmal moderation


have we locked this thread yet? im tired of the crying from people that only care about themselves and not the community

Portland, OR, USA

Well, if you're trying to lock it to protect the FF7 mods that isn't going to happen, this is and they have rules that are required to be followed, or moderation reports need to be submitted and those moderators removed by SRC. Thanks for the great input on this topic Chef


no im just tired of this thread going on for months. the mods know whats going on and are aware. just tired of people stirring the pot when they dont get their way. you're a proven cheater, and your runs will be scrutinized. no one is hiding anything. we all know who you are, good bye.

Portland, OR, USA

If you don't enjoy reading this thread, you could make the decision to not read it. It sound like it would be good for your mental health

Minnesota, USA

Ptown is incorrect about the state of his runs. The two runs he is referring to are currently being verified and have not yet been accepted nor rejected. The run that was rejected was a run submitted to the SCM board.

This is the run that was rejected:

I rejected for the following: firstly, the SCM time provided is incomplete as it does not have the time zone. This makes it unverifiable because it does not point to a specific RNG seed. Instead of rejecting it instantly for that, I took the time to test the Pacific time zone, both daylight savings and non-daylight savings since that is the time zone of Ptown's SRC profile. I also tested GMT just in case. I also tested several seconds of RNG seeds before and after the written time in case there was a small error.

None of these times produced the RNG seen in Ptown's run.

That's why his SCM run linked above was rejected. The runs he referred to in the linked post, again, have not been accepted or rejected yet and are currently under review.

phek1200, Ganordan and 3 others like this
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