How can i do the factory skip?
2 years ago

I try to do the factory but can't get it.


U go brrrrrr

United States

When you get to the corner where the skip is done, you want to slide into it and then start spamming jump while still sliding. This will clip you through the wall and allow you to do the skip. The lower your framerate is, the easier it is to do, so I personally limit my framerate to 90. There is a large variation on the times you can get with this skip however, as even the world record for factory that uses the skip spends around a second tryin to get it.

United States

It's beyond me. Do you mean you don't want to use WiFi to connect? Simply turn it off after that and utilize your sim card's mobile data (if any). Papa's Games

Edited by the author 9 months ago

Timing and angle are key to execute it successfully Stick War Legacy