Strange New Glitch
5 years ago

While playing the game, I accidentaly continued instead of restarting. When I got into the game I had all 4 shapeshifts (even though I had only collected the spring.) I then tried again on both sites and had the same results. (And technically lowered my PB by 4 minutes.) This video demonstrates this:

I'm wondering if a new category should be made or not? Like any% no continue or something? I also am wondering if this works for other people as well. Seems strange to me no one els discovered this before.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

I had this happen once before. It actually happened right after the last time I played it casually before deciding I wanted to speedrun it, funnily enough, but I couldn't tell you what causes it in the first place.

New Jersey, USA

Sorry I didn't see this until now. Haven't checked in here in a while. I used to have a separate category specifically for this glitch, but I removed the category because the game developer got in contact with me and said that it wasn't intended. The glitch was then fixed in the following update, which I think is the current version if I remember correctly. If the glitch has resurfaced I'm going to try and get in contact with him again about it. For now I'm not gonna reject or approve the run until I know for sure it's okay.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
New Jersey, USA

The game dev has responded. He's gonna push an update soon, so this strategy will not be valid for any category. But please keep the video up so he can analyze it and figure out how to fix it.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Thank goodness. This glitch would take a lot of fun out of the run for me.

RaiuTheEevee likes this
United States

It might be fun as a New Game+ category, but that would require it to be consistent and intentional to be reasonable.

RaiuTheEevee likes this
New Jersey, USA

Hey guys, the game dev is asking if there's any other quality of life improvements or other changes you'd be interested in him trying to make while he's working on the bug? No guarantees for anything, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Well, I've noticed that the game lags when collecting your first egg. Not the biggest deal, but kinda annoying. Then again, maybe that lag is just my bad computer...

United States

Yeah, I'd guess it's your computer, NoJoTo, because I don't have that issue.

And Raiu, if DDRKirby is asking about improvements, it might be worth mentioning the addition of a New Game+ that intentionally starts you off with all the items, but resets the eggs. Besides that, the only other thing I can think of is the glitch that puts you out of bounds if you fall just the right way. (I can elaborate further if you don't know what I mean by that.) That's basically it though; the game's already really well made!

Oh another thing, it might be nice if there was a downloadable version of the game maybe.

"Well, I've noticed that the game lags when collecting your first egg. Not the biggest deal, but kinda annoying. Then again, maybe that lag is just my bad computer..."

I've seen that one some of my WebGL builds. I can't remember if I was ever able to fix it or not, but I'll take a quick look.

"Besides that, the only other thing I can think of is the glitch that puts you out of bounds if you fall just the right way. (I can elaborate further if you don't know what I mean by that.)"

Please elaborate :)

United States

I think it has to do with if you gain too much downward momentum, but every once in a while, you can clip Nyamo through the floor, and he'll slowly start to sink through the platform. I'll try to recreate it and share a video demonstrating the glitch shortly.

Ah yes. I've seen some weird collision bugs with getting trapped in the floor at points. Does that just cause a soft-lock? I was thinking I could add a key combo to just forcibly trigger a death, but that would probably change some of the routing by making deathwarps easier, wouldn't it?

I might add some alternate keybinds for people who want to use space or Z or whatever to jump.

Also I will try to add a hotkey combo for resetting the game so you don't have to keep refreshing your browser. The first-time collection lag that NoJoTo is referring to only happens the first time you start a fresh new session, so that would alleviate that issue as well.

IamUncleSlam likes this

Here's what happened when I tried to load the project in the latest version of Unity by the way, hahaha:

It's actually not AS bad as it seems, just all of the screens lost their offset data so literally every screen in that world got juxtaposed on top of each other. I'm not keen on trying to deal with that though, so I reverted to using an older build. Fortunately, it seems to be working fine....

I think I have some videos of the clipping out of bounds glitch if that would help idk

United States

That screen is beautiful. XD Why can't the whole game be like that already?

Regarding the clipping out of bounds, this is essentially what it entails:

Fortunately it's not a soft-lock in this instance, but it's possible it could become one if it can be recreated elsewhere. That said, I'm not sure how the game would respond to Nyamo trying to fall downward into a screen that doesn't exist, so that would at least be good information to have.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
NoJoTo likes this

Here are some more videos of similar glitches

Here's an unrelated glitch:

Progress so far:

  • I have the continue bug fixed. What this was is that on starting a new game, it resets all of your abilities for the current session, but it doesn't actually clear them out of your save file. So if you: 1) unlock all abilities in some session, then 2) start a new game, then 3) reload the page, then 4) select "continue", then you'll have all abilities.

  • I'm pretty sure I have the clipping bug fixed! There was some really silly logic in the main movement function that caused it to behave really oddly if you were really unlucky. I think this tends to happen if you are =very close= to a floor (but not touching) and you have a bunch of velocity accumulated. The collision logic was kind of wonky in that case and actually pushed you inside of the floor. This same bug is what led to you "sinking" through the floor once you actually clipped in.

This has been fixed to be much saner, so now you shouldn't clip into things. Unfortunately, this also means that if you ever DO clip into something, you won't "sink through" it at all, you'll actually just be stuck =/ Hopefully that doesn't happen.

Thanks for the videos, NoJoTo! I haven't verified all of these cases individually, but I did test one of the spring form jumps before and after my fix and have verified that it prevents the clip from happening (yay!)

  • I checked and if you manage to actually fall through and go to a screen that you're not supposed to, you'll actually just continually fall forever and accumulate infinite speed (there's no terminal velocity) and the game will basically be broken. Yikes.

  • I have no idea how you triggered the infinite balloon rocket bug. I think what happened is that the timer for ending the rocket somehow ended up as negative (?), but the end condition only checks to see whether that timer is equal to 0, so it just never ends (even though the timer keeps decrementing). I've changed the check so it checks for <= 0 which should theoretically prevent you from ever being able to get stuck in the infinite loop, but that still doesn't explain how the timer got negative, as it shouldn't ever skip a value and the only way to start the loop is for it to be set to 20 frames. I'm....not gonna worry about it too much.

IamUncleSlam likes this
United States

Thanks a ton, DDRKirby! :D I really can't express how grateful I am that you're still taking input and tweaking the game this far down the line.

NoJoTo likes this

This is also a good chance for me to deploy to so I will also be doing some updates to make sure that all works (have to update the url locking code, etc). After that I will be exporting and deploying the new version everywhere. It will be labeled as v1.1.0.

In the meantime, some other updates I made:

  • You can now quick-quit anywhere in the main game by holding left shift + right shift and pressing "Q". That is specific enough to not get accidentally triggered but hopefully still easy enough for you guys to use.
  • Ending screen now displays milliseconds in addition to seconds and minutes.
  • I added an in-game timer that goes off of the same thing as the ending screen display. It doesn't display by default, but can be enabled by holding left shift + right shift when you hit Enter to start the game. Note that if you were ALREADY holding left shift and right shift for the quick-quit, unfortunately you need to REPRESS those shift keys since they don't carry over (sorry!).

I couldn't do anything about the first-time collectible lag, I checked the code and I think that's just a Unity WebGL thing. It =might= be fixed since I did update to a new Unity patch version, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. On the plus side since I have the quick-quit functionality you shouldn't really have to deal with it much.