We need new and active admins
1 year ago

if its possible i want to be an admin, current admins are so lazy, if you submit a video they take weeks to review...

MSG likes this
Friesland, Netherlands

is it? that's weird ours have been submitted within like a few days and I've seen others being submitted very fast?

Norfolk, England

last run i submitted was reviewed and authorised within a few days. not had any problems

Wedgiroth likes this

It usually takes weeks to see the games, we have sent and even updated the games about 4 times, removing the games with the longest time to only leave the ones with the shortest time and they are still not checked

GoeX likes this

13 days to view a 15 min video?? that's ok for you??? anyway, my partner mistakes the link, i updated, now i need a new revision, 2 more weeks, LOL


Happy to be a mod.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hello GoeX, MSG!

In fact, recently the board was absent because of personal matters, but it does not means we're inactive at all, so if you had any run that took some time to be reviewed, my apologies.

We're trying to update the new runs as fast as we can.

Wedgiroth likes this