More possible category ideas?
10 months ago
United States

Is it possible for more categories aside from Vanilla Full game? Individual levels, Reverse Recruitment, Anything goes (Campaign customization) etc.


Hi, talking about categories. I dont see in rules chart that you can't change xp stat and gold modifier. So my question is: do runs absolutely needs to be at standard modifier (aka 100%) to be valid?

NaoPolitan likes this
United States

From what I know, I believe so I'll ask the mods to clarify the rules up. I do recall asking them a while back, because a Vanilla run vs a fully customized run is actually much different, and the time save is just huge. (For reference, vanilla just recently got down to under an hour, and took a while of optimization. With Campaign Customization, I'm pretty sure sub-50 is possible)


Thanks, i am studying a run with magicians/illlusionists but i lack xp as i need multiple character to level up. And at final, i am not sure the time i gain on some level is bigger than the time i lost playing more than 1 character each turn the rest of the time

NaoPolitan likes this
United States

Alright, Categories and Rules will be updated in the coming days, so stay tuned!

United States

Categories and Rules are all updated

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