Emulators and USB Loader
Texas, USA

I'm making this post because we seem to have issues with people submitting with USB Loader. To make matters shorts, USB Loader is banned. So if you do runs with it it won't be accepted, I've talked with other mods of this game and the other Smash games and they agree on doing this. Even though it has been a rule, it's been looked over. Using USB Loader for this game is broken and is in my eyes an emulation. WiiU is allowed but no USB Loader of any kind or Emulator. Thanks for keeping the game somewhat active and I hope you all still want to run this game haha

Pear, CasteHappy and 3 others like this
Castile-La Mancha, Spain
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Thanks for that, I've watched the 1st place video in the All Events category multiple times and the loading times are MUCH faster than the other ones, including mine. I don't know if it depends on how old the console is, but yeah, I was gonna try playing with USB Loader to see the diference and confirm it myself, but I haven't tried yet.

Yea the All Events 31 min time IS using USB Loader, careful mods. and Caste, yeah USB Loader is ridiculously over powered when running the game. No matter the condition of the Wii it will still load brawl VERY VERY slowly

Texas, USA

USB Loader is generally not allowed for any game. I noticed the fast loads for All Events but didn't really put 2 and 2 together

Castile-La Mancha, Spain
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Thanks for clearing that out! I've played Project M and other games with USB Loader in the past but never had the chance to compare them with the original ones.

Maryland, USA

The load time differences between console and emulator/usb loader is ridiculous being multiple minutes faster when applied. Because of this, it is banned, it gives an uneven advantage to anyone who uses it, categories vary for how many minutes it could save, but for example, its usually around 10 minutes saved in Subspace. This thread and its contents is still relevant to the decision being unchanged.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Pear, ObedG45, and Pokehero like this
United States

Then have emulators/USB loaders on a separate category

WaitlistedJay likes this