We all know that PC Port wasn't legal when it got released, but since you need to build it yourself now with your own rom file, it is now legal and that wouldn't be an argument anymore. Loading times should also be no argument because of Virtual Console.
My Idea: PC Port could actually be split in two categories: FreeCam and OldCam. The rules of freecam could be: Your repo needs to be EX-Nightly in 70 Stars no BLJ, you have to have NoDrawingDistance enabled/disabled (either could work as a rule) you have to have no additional patches, options or mods enabled or installed that could influence gameplay in any way (would exclude music packs and texture packs, MODEL packs would NOT be excluded) The run must be performed in ONE go, pausing is not allowed You HAVE to have freecam enabled for the WHOLE run. The timer starts when you selected the file. For proof and verification you have to have video proof with a decent quality. The rules of Oldcam could be: Your Repo needs to be sm64pc-master in 70 Stars no BLJ, you have to have NoDrawingDistance enabled/disabled (either could work as a rule) you have to have no additional patches, options or mods enabled or installed that could influence gameplay in any way (would exclude music packs and texture packs, MODEL packs would NOT be excluded) The run must be performed in ONE go, pausing is not allowed You are not allowed to use any mod that changes the camera. The timer starts when you selected the file. For proof and verification you have to have video proof with a decent quality.
What is your opinion on this idea?
Time starts on file select instead of reset like every other version because of reasons (I don't run this game don't listen to me)
Well, thats just a troll answer I feel like. The point of this all was having a version of sm64 with a better camera being on speedrun.com and just a version without lag. I feel like you didn't even read my thread...
And if you aren't interested in this then I shall recommend you to not write an answer at all, because that just shows your lack of respect
Personally, I like the idea. I feel like this would be good for getting people to run the game, like myself.
I started practicing runs on the pc port (with old cam) just to see whether it's something I'd like to do more often. I've subitted my first 16 star EMU time today so I'm all for having the PC Port as a seperate category! It's what got me back to playing this game and into speedrunning it so I'd assume that it would open up Sm64 speedrunning for a lot of other people as well.
We entertained the idea of adding a pc port subcategory. We'd have liked to have a vanilla as possible "speedrun" version of the port to require ppl to use for submissions. In the end we decided it's not worth the effort for an unofficial release of the game. Feel free to speedrun the game however you want though, don't let the leaderboards stop you.
I think if the game was actually added to src, it would either be a completely different game listed under "Unofficial Releases," or it would be like a subcategory of Emu runs or something like that. The only problem is that it is not the same game as the original.
Yea, but not exactly. You have to think about the fact that it is not an officially release Nintendo game. Yes, you could argue that Emu is not official release, but it at least has the same ISO file.
But that doesn't change the fact that it's the best running version of mario 64, with same physics, same gameplay, same stars, same everything
Also, you still use a mario64 rom to compile this game, so its also the same iso file in theory
I think you should ask this question on the discord: https://discord.gg/0Si1OtnB7YnMF02r The best way to get a question answered fast and/or get a real discussion going is there, src forums are not very fast and you can see that since this post has been going for an entire day with only 19 replies. None of them were super helpful besides Alaris saying the mods were slightly considering it. That said, the discord is a better place to settle debates. Good luck, soldier.
Don't waste your energy, we're not likely to support port speedruns. But like I said, don't let it stop you from speedrunning if you'd rather keep using the port over EMU or one of the console releases. Going to lock this thread.
We would like to announce that VC and EMU subcategories are now active on the Stage RTA leaderboards (under "Levels"). Stage RTA involves collecting all the stars in a given stage including the 100 coin star. Timing starts on star select and ends upon collecting the final star. You are allowed to us