@marczeslaw11 @CaptNinja6 @VyPr @Biksel @zalex Obviously levels 1 and 2 are completely reliant on how slow your device is. You can hold forward the entire time without changing your camera angle the entire time. I got much faster runs on my chromebook because of this.
If the timer was perfect, the fastest possible time would be 5.67.
If I re-timed these runs, it would just be who has the least frames, as it's very easy to get a TAS run on these levels.
The reason that Levels 3+ are re-timed is just for the runner's convenience, so they don't have to go into Speedrun mode and go through the first levels every time. Levels 3+ also require strafing and/or camera movement. Runners can simply go into levels and select the level they are running.
In the future, I am hoping to create an accurate In-game timer that isn't based on the speed of your device, and could have a third millisecond decimal. I might make something similar to red ball where you download a duplicate of the webgame but there is a better timer in it. If anyone can help work on that, it would be great.
For now Levels 1-2 will just remain based on your device speed. Any third-party applications that help you do this are allowed.
In other words, you're admitting to using third party software in order to differ the way game's process intends to save time.
In other words you're lowkey cheating
@retrozy then shouldn't level 2 also be retimed for the runner's convenience? Otherwise you would have to replay level 1 to be able to run level 2
All runs should be retimed, the IGT is insanely inaccurate in case of any degree of lag
Not to mention playing through Level Select doesn't cause the IGT to appear, it's only present in case of playing consecutive levels in Speedrun mode
I'm inclined to completely remove levels 1 and 2 because RTA would be poor for levels that have such low potential for optimisation, until a good timer is made
What would a good timer change in that matter though? Assuming there's no room for improvement, since both maps are practically Press Forward maps, then regardless of the timing method, the top runs SHOULD be tied, as long as the timing is accurate, if you think about it logically.
I don't mind removing the 2 levels. The usual solution is to let people just get that tied WRs, for sake of having accurate level count on the leaderboards, but your solution is also fine
With the current in-game timer, runs cannot be tied. My intent was just to create the levels and let people get the wr ties, but the levels have turned into who can get the slowest browser, so the levels have been removed.