Rule regarding crowd control
6 months ago
Iowa, USA

I noticed that the rules lack any mention of the crowd control mechanics featured in newer updates. While I admit most of them don't help (and may even hinder) there are some good ones, like "infinite stamina (real)" and "gun".

While it'd be nice to see a category for this i feel like it's far too volatile to be allowed. Because of this I'm asking for a all category ban on crowd control.

TopazstarV likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

I second this. I'm kinda surprised this didn't come up before if I'm being honest.

He/Him, They/Them
5 months ago

I feel like it wasn't brought up cause it was like an unspoken rule not to use it considering how much they'd buff you in a run

Iowa, USA

Seems like crowd control has been officially banned. I know it seems obvious, but if it's not on the rules then someone will eventually come in and saying "there's no rule stating I can't, so i will". I've seen one too many speedrunning documentaries, i don't want this game to be a victim of it.

Dxmpster_Rat likes this
United States

If that happened I would have hit them with a nerd emoji and rejected their run anyway tbh

TopazstarV and Dxmpster_Rat like this