Ida's wrongwarp/cutscene skip is allowed
5 years ago
North Brabant, Netherlands

Because not everybody that runs this game will be in the discord: There has been a new glitch discovery by @CribleyGames that allows you to skip a cutscene and get warped to a different spot in Ida's dream (There are other levels where this works but then its just skipping final cutscene). However this skip requires the runner to close and reopen the game. This could be seen as segmented by some, however after a discussion between me, CribleyGames, LeftistTachyon and Imaproshaman we decided that this glitch will be allowed as long as the run is played in 1 go (so segments are not allowed). This is because it only really skips cutscenes and walking animations. tl:dr The new glitch that requires closing the game is allowed.

Pear, Imaproshaman and 2 others like this
United States

This extends to Main Game runs as well, which means that the current WR can be optimized further by skipping the opening level cutscenes by exiting and returning to the game.

Imaproshaman and Cribley like this
United States

I have a tendency to find bugs in games lol :D

United States

Glitch hunters like you with discoveries are the people that make speedrunning interesting!

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