10 suggestions for the site
1 year ago

Here are some suggestions for the site (some of them you may have seen in other forums.) //////////////////////////////////////////////////

  1. New icons, there are 3 types of icons on SRC in total: game moderation icons, ELO staff icons, and supporter icons. It would be nice to add some additional icons (account verification icons, badges for achievements in front of the site, badges for achieving a certain number of races, badges for active forum participants, and ets.) //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. Podiums. The opportunity to find out how many first, second and third places you have, both in general and in each game individually, when you have about a thousand races to count podiums is quite a painstaking thing, this change would also help people make up the ratings and statistics of src players. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  3. Create multiple levels with sequential numbering. That is, for example, select "create levels 1-100" and they appear with sequential numbering from one to one hundred /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. Improved bans. You can be banned in a particular game, you can also see what you were banned for and file an appeal. It is useful if the player was banned accidentally. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5. Notifications to the phone. It's just reliable and nice when you see in the notifications of your smartphone that your record has been broken) /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  6. Adding off-game leaderboards (Top of the best PC runners, top players with podiums, top of the best moderators, etc.) /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  7. Ways to interact with inactive board moderators. Automatic verification of the race if it has not been approved within a month. I personally met with problems when moderators of not very active boards do not check the races for several weeks. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  8. The possibility of promoting new game boards. There are a large number of good games that are small online and difficult to find. It would be nice if there was a tab "Little-known games" or something like that /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9. Advanced statistics and analytics. The ability to track the success of a particular game according to the schedule, analytics of the number of speedrunners, time spent, average time for each race, etc. /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  10. Adding other verification methods (verification via social. Network, phone number, special code, etc.) /////////////////////////////////////////////////
Gaming_64, sami and 7 others like this

[quote]1. New icons, there are 3 types of icons on SRC in total: game moderation icons, ELO staff icons, and supporter icons. It would be nice to add some additional icons (account verification icons, badges for achievements in front of the site, badges for achieving a certain number of races, badges for active forum participants, and ets.)[/quote] A lot of those badges are not necessarily tied to src. Also I don't necessarily think we really do need more. There rather should be forum improvements. [quote] The opportunity to find out how many first, second and third places you have, both in general and in each game individually, when you have about a thousand races to count podiums is quite a painstaking thing, this change would also help people make up the ratings and statistics of src players.[/quote] This would further incentivise farming runs for an artifical number. Promotes unhealthy behaviour on this plattform. [quote]Create multiple levels with sequential numbering. That is, for example, select "create levels 1-100" and they appear with sequential numbering from one to one hundred[/quote] Could you elaborate on this idea further? [quote]Improved bans. You can be banned in a particular game, you can also see what you were banned for and file an appeal. It is useful if the player was banned accidentally.[/quote] To my knowledge you can only get a site ban. Communities can choose not to let you partake in the community but thats it. You can always talk to the game mods and ask for a ban reason. [quote]Notifications to the phone. It's just reliable and nice when you see in the notifications of your smartphone that your record has been broken)[/quote] Notifications are broken but you can use email notifications and have an email client on your phone. There you have it. Phone notifications. [quote]Adding off-game leaderboards (Top of the best PC runners, top players with podiums, top of the best moderators, etc.)[/quote] How do you measure "best PC runner"? Top players with podiums? Top of the best moderators? If it is the highest number of records, verified runs etc, this again promotes unhealthy behaviour, mod farming and wr farming, something that is not within the spirit of speedrunning. [quote]Ways to interact with inactive board moderators. Automatic verification of the race if it has not been approved within a month. I personally met with problems when moderators of not very active boards do not check the races for several weeks.[/quote] Message them through social media. Every mod is required to have 2 social media links attached to their account. Or maybe chose a more active community. I see on your profile that you are run farming quite a bit and of course dead games will more likely not have active moderators. Do not rely on DMs here on the website. Almost no one reads them. [quote]The possibility of promoting new game boards. There are a large number of good games that are small online and difficult to find. It would be nice if there was a tab "Little-known games" or something like that[/quote] There is the random tab. But the best way of promoting a speedgame is to show it off at different marathons and make it appealing for speedrunners, so good documentation, a friendly community and most importantly, it has to be a good speedgame. You could always ask the community manager about such a possibility perhaps. [quote]Advanced statistics and analytics. The ability to track the success of a particular game according to the schedule, analytics of the number of speedrunners, time spent, average time for each race, etc.[/quote] May I introduce you to therun.gg ? [quote]Adding other verification methods (verification via social. Network, phone number, special code, etc.)[/quote] What do you mean with that? 2FA methods? I agree I would like to have 2FA or MFA coupled with my phone but thats about it. Alternative login methods such as through a preexisting account is probably not in the interest of elo.

Also a race is something entirely different to a run. On this website we have leaderboards for speedruns. Not races. Races are done on other websites, such as SpeedRunsLive or racetime.gg

KaweedFul and Merl_ like this
Somerset, England

[quote=Matse007]email notifications and have an email client on your phone[/quote] @Comrade_S meant using the browser's API to send push notifications, I hope that this will be added in the future due to how obvious it is🤔. But what you just said is only a solution for how it currently works [quote=Comrade_S]there are 3 types of icons on SRC in total[/quote] There's also original donor, but I agree with @Matse007 that there shouldn't be anymore. The current ones only represent a role, which you have, and I don't think this should be changed [quote=Comrade_S]Create multiple levels with sequential numbering[/quote] I agree, there also needs to be a "mass run move" tool, for game moderators. But @Meta has said that this feature is not gonna be added for a long time [quote=Comrade_S]Improved bans[/quote] Yep, community bans should be added [quote=Comrade_S]Adding off-game leaderboards[/quote] Like the old users and statistics page😎, these should be brought back [quote=Comrade_S]Automatic verification of the race if it has not been approved within a month[/quote] A very bad idea, mods need to make sure the run is correct and not cheated, also that if it has the correct values [quote=Matse007]Every mod is required to have 2 social media links attached to their account[/quote] Not if a super mods add that user to the board [quote=Comrade_S]The possibility of promoting new game boards[/quote] This seems like a nice idea. e.g. having an icon next to a certain games on the games page. But it'll only be good if used properly [quote=Matse007]May I introduce you to therun.gg[/quote] That website is not for all games on here [quote=Comrade_S]Adding other verification methods[/quote] Yes, this would also be good for security

Edited by the author 1 year ago
CyanWes and Gaming_64 like this
Iowa, USA

[quote=Comrade_S] 2. Podiums. The opportunity to find out how many first, second and third places you have, both in general and in each game individually, when you have about a thousand races to count podiums is quite a painstaking thing, this change would also help people make up the ratings and statistics of src players. [/quote]

You can use the farmington discord server for the podiums leaderboard. I'm pretty sure you're already in it.

Gaming_64 and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

@Act_ yes, I am on this server, but there are 2 problems, firstly I can't see the number of my races using the bot, I don't know why and how to fix it, secondly to see myself in the table you need to be in the top 100. I also have about 512 podiums and I didn't get into the table, I probably don't understand exactly how it is built.

Gaming_64 likes this

@Matse007 The top of the best speedrunners will depend not only on the quantity but also on the quality of the game. For example, wr in minecraft will give you more table points than wr disbelief.

Gaming_64 likes this

" To my knowledge you can only get a site ban. Communities can choose not to let you partake in the community but thats it. You can always talk to the game mods and ask for a ban reason."

That's the point, why ban a person on the site if he messed up in one community. Just add something like a blacklist for a community whose players will not be able to send races. Bars of the same site are issued for more serious violations.

Gaming_64 likes this
Somerset, England

[quote=Comrade_S]I also have about 512 podiums and I didn't get into the table, I probably don't understand exactly how it is built[/quote] You need to ask @Bluestonex64 for you to be added into the database, which I have just done [quote=Act_]You can use the farmington discord server for the podiums leaderboard[/quote] The users and statistics page should still be added back! [quote=Comrade_S]Just add something like a blacklist for a community whose players will not be able to send races[/quote] Again, I agree. This will be much better for mods, where players just spam submit content. The only solution to this issue, without fully banning the player, is for the moderators to just constantly delete/reject whatever that player does. Although, this can be abused, if added.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
CyanWes and Gaming_64 like this

[quote]@Matse007 The top of the best speedrunners will depend not only on the quantity but also on the quality of the game. For example, wr in minecraft will give you more table points than wr disbelief.[/quote] So, how can you measure if a game is a high quality game?

Merl_ likes this
Madrid, Spain

Theres no way to objectively measure a game’s quality

Benjams, Jubilee and 2 others like this
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

it's pretty obvious that he just means "more contested records in more popular speedgames are more valuable"

most of this stuff is available at https://speedstats.app/ although it hasn't been updated in a while

D3cIma and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
French Southern Territories

Speedstats.app still isn't objective and can only use the data from a speedrun.com leaderboard to assign values to a game. The "quality" ranking isn't a good idea

Edited by the author 1 year ago

@Matse007 I was touched by your phrase about farming, explain what you mean, why it is bad, and how statistics affect it

Gaming_64 and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
Aquitaine, France

I know the question wasn't for me but I'd like to react to the previous post. Everything about farming is bad, whatever the farming concerns.

The word "farming" in itself is pejorative, it's like an extreme version of try-harding in a way. The underlying meaning behind this word is an unfair practice, motivated only by winning, having distinctions or more visibility... Dopamine fuel, basically. Speedrun.com like all forums and social places offers a great amount of customization and comparison between players, and the essence of speedrunning is also to be faster than everyone else, so competition is everywhere. In runs, yes, but also in distinction or visibility. That I think is what "farmers" thrive for, the feeling of reward.

Of course, statistics can participate in encouraging farming if they are not used wisely. Creating leaderboards like "most runs" or "most WRs" could be very unsane, pushing players forward and indirectly encouraging them to climb up, to be under the spotlight. @Matse007 speaks of "artificial number" and "unhealthy behavior", and it's exactly what farming is. It's a compulsatory need to be better than others, and we don't want speedrunning to become that. I love this community because it's so passionate, diverse and open-minded. Competition is only a mean of uniting players and sharing a passion. But when farming comes, passion disappears.

(did I take this too seriously lol)


Again, yes indeed, I understand what you are talking about, but how will the statistics of the podiums affect this. Yes, and the concept of farming is very loose, I run a fairly large number of games, including not popular ones, because they somehow hurt me. ///// Also, the increased interest of "farmers" in the game contributes to an increase in its online and other indicators, which allows other users to at least somehow learn about this game. ///// Also, is the competition to set the number of races, world records, and so on, does it harm the community? If I get a few WR in a little-known game, then who will I interfere with, lol this is also a competition, because to get wr in the game you need to go through it at least once, as a result, the professionalism of the "farmer" grows, since he can run almost any game with good performance. ///// It is also stupid to fight farming with the rejection of statistics. I might as well say "Lol guys, let's ban players from running more than 10 games, remove statistics altogether, and ban every game from having more than 1 category, because it promotes farming and promotes abnormal behavior"

Gaming_64 likes this
Aquitaine, France

Yeah I agree it's part of the competition, that's why nothing can really be done about it, but to a certain extent it can be annoying to other players let's say. No explicit rule is broken, but I guess it's not very cool

And you're also right about the last thing, it's great that there's such a variety in games and categories. Going for every WR in every category is the ultimate goal, there's absolutely nothing wrong about that! It only becomes problematic when it comes with a behaviour you know, when a player acts kinda selfishly and ignores the rest of the community. Again, no rule is broken, but not cool


Apparently I did not quite understand you, sorry if my words seem rude, but could you explain what exactly you are talking about?

Gaming_64 likes this
Iowa, USA

[quote=KaweedFul] It only becomes problematic when it comes with a behavior you know, when a player acts kinda selfishly and ignores the rest of the community. [/quote]

How do farmers act selfishly and ignore the community. I’ve never had a problem with people while farming on their leaderboard.

[quote=KaweedFul] It's a compulsory need to be better than others, and we don't want speedrunning to become that. [/quote]

Many people is the Farmington community congratulate people for reaching big milestones. Sure we want to get more runs than other people on the leaderboard, but it’s not harmful to anyone. Also, isn’t that for literally every game board? Not saying that it’s a bad thing.

Gaming_64 and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

@KaweedFul lol I don't understand you, getting more world records is not a problem, again see my previous answer. farming against is a more positive development as it helps promote low activity leader boards. You say that farming is bad, the better the same category farming in a particular board, when 1 person occupies several categories.

Gaming_64 likes this


you can continue the discussion about farming here

Gaming_64 likes this