True Glitchless run rejected
9 months ago

Hello, my run got rejected for supposedly using a glitch:

Not that I'm disputing this or anything, I'm just trying to understand. I have no idea what the glitch in question is, or how to reproduce it. Can someone please explain so that I can avoid it in future? All I know is that I tried to use a valve at one point, and it appeared to bug out and caused me to die from the fire.

I did notice it happen during the run, but I assumed that since it killed me, it didn't actually yield any advantage to disqualify the run. Since, in the run I studied the route from (BlackbeltGingaNinja's), whenever he accidentally did a glitch he just ran backwards and re-ran that bit in order to negate the glitch. So I assumed the same would hold here.

Thanks for any explanation.

Edited by the author 9 months ago

Hey, So what happened is you presumably have interact on the scroll wheel or a macro? when using buttons you need to be very careful that you don't activate it twice in one frame otherwise the event starts without playing any animation. This is one of the biggest glitches in the game and is the reason the explosion came so early because in this particular spot more inputs accelerates the speed of the explosion. BBGN's run is very old and from the creation of the category but was grandfathered in to the new ruleset which you can find on the True Glitchless page


Oh, I see. Indeed that was the first time I had tried using scroll wheel instead of keyboard. So I guess if I go back to using KB, it will be extremely unlikely for this glitch to happen even if I mash Use. Alrighty then, cheers.

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