Is 1 player 2 controllers allowed for Co op runs
5 years ago
United States

The title speaks for itself


are you sakurai by any chance


if this ever became some sort of category, i will hope that it goes in GDQ. i can already imagine all of the "i have no friends" jokes that will come out of it.

Maryland, USA

Nothing like this will ever be accepted into a marathon. 2 players isn't required so sure.

slippy318 likes this

well, there was that run of enviro-bear, where the 5 runners took turns to beat each of the 5 levels. if they allowed 5 players 1 controller, then wouldn't they allow 1 runner 2 controllers? besides, there's 1 handed runs on games like mario 64.

Maryland, USA

Comparing the most popular speedgame to this is funny, getting arbitrary categories into big marathons is not easy, you can't compare different categories from different games.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

well, i'm still gonna hope that it someday happens, just so i can say "told you so" in this form.

Pennsylvania, USA

Uh. Do I have to bring up Secret of Mana, 2 controllers 1 player, that has been ran at several marathons? (Including in the past few months, a Japanese only one. I'm sure its been at Limit Break too.)

Maryland, USA

Different categories from different games cannot be compared, even when it's the same idea, it is executed differently.

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