Idea: An automated stream that plays the most recent full game world records on the front page of as an extra way to get more exposure for games, perhaps with some requirements ( number of active players/total players/presence of commentary?).
I figure nearly every speedrunner or speedrunning community wants to get their game more exposure, and this would be a good tool for doing this.
Mostly asking if anyone has done this, or putting it out there to people who may want to do this; I don't have the technical understanding to do it myself.
There was a channel that played the latest TAS's, no one ever watched it. Aside from rights issues, I don't see the appeal of watching vods or streams where there's no streamer interaction.
I just feel like no one would watch it, but there is a twitter bot that posts every time a new WR is set
I think there was something in ther Terms of Service of Twitch forbidding replaying VoDs of other channels for the purpose of simply showing those VoDs. What is allowed is replaying a VoD for analysis-type discussion or post-commentary, of course given the consent of the owner of that VoD. So unless you have hosts knowledgeable enough about speedrunning to be able to commentate any game, that they may or may not know at all, and want to contact hundreds of people every week, to get permission for their VoDs, such a channel wouldn't be possible to happen.
There is also a Website called that shows a random WR and it might show some game exposure if your intrested in finding a new game to speedrun