Discovery: Cam-Lock Trigger Bypass
3 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

This glitch seemed important enough for it's own thread.

Using the camera-lock glitch, we can bypass many triggers in the game.

So far, we can bypass MM Pass door, and Ground Quake door.

This could result in a drastic re-route of all major categories (except for K5E route), if we can find more bypassable triggers.

If we can figure out how to do this in Krazoa Palace, K6E might be viable...


  • FireGem door skip
  • RTA viable Ground Quake Early
  • Moon Mountain Pass Door Skip


  • K4E without airswim
  • K6E if we can bypass cage loading, but keep warp loading

Failed (at least for me):

  • HighTop door skip
  • New versions of Cape Claw Early
  • SS1 Door Skip (Freeze Blast Early)
  • Easier DIME
  • Ocean Force Point Temple puzzle skips (exterior and interior)
  • Gold Bar Skip (not an issue, we have another strat)


ORIGINAL Camera-Lock Post:

This is also a Kazooie discovery, but I do not think the glitch was fully understood. I have learned a bit more about the mechanics.

Frame perfect climb + Tricky Feed causes camera to glitch. Then you can move the camera OOB, and return it back in-bounds.

This allows us to set up something similar to Memory Leak, I think. Feeding Tricky after camera is OOB will lock camera in place.

In this video, we were able to unload the LFV trees due to camera lock:

Also, it appears that this effect can transfer over to other files

Additional Info:

  • L-Target cancels the camera-lock
  • For some reason, if you go too far from the original glitch source, the glitch stops working. I think the original map (TTH in this video) needs to be loaded, but the game only keeps 2 maps loaded at a time
  • If you try to cross map boundaries, you soft-lock in the void
  • Zooming is disabled entirely while camera-lock is on

I am very curious to see what other props we can unload with this trick...

Edited by the author 3 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

Okay this is not really good for all triggers.

I think the camera needs to be on a separate map, and this allows Fox to skip triggers on new maps.

But if Fox goes too far, the effect is cleared (usually after loading 1-3 new maps).

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

GQE is possible, and much faster than staff swinging. Also, now it is possible in RTA (but useless).

This requires two Camera-Lock setups. One to bypass the MM Pass door, and another one to obtain GQE.

To obtain GQE, you will need to save in Volcano Force Point Temple link map, then backtrack to TTH. Set up a camera-lock, then quit without saving.

Load the VFPT file, and follow steps in video.

Edit: Better single-file setup:

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

Using same setup as GQE, we can unload this vine, and it is climbable by default.

This means that we can get GQE, save/quit, then climb up this vine. Because we have ground-quake, we should be able to collect moon seeds, and obtain K2E.

This is useless in current routes, but could be useful if we ever find a K6E setup.

Then the route would become: GQE => K2E => Krazoa Palace => K6E

josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

Can set up the camera glitch using Tricky tunnels, but does not do any good since the camera is too close and can't go OOB

Edit: I was wrong, this can be potentially be useful. Camera OOB isn't always needed.

I can't find a way to use this effectively for the first part of SHW. Ideally, we could find a way to skip killing SharpClaw, and without a need for a 2nd file.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

We can now bypass the Fire Gem and Sharp Claw doors, eliminating the need for CC2 in the ESW/BMC route.

Forgive the lack of editing, skip to 3:50 for the final trick.

Edit: The method used in this video is garbage. See actual runs for the optimal method.

There may be single-file time saves here too, TBD.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

Can cause map glitches by reloading a map

in DIM, if you reload the map, the bike falls through the floor when you try to use it

We should look for other cases where reloading a map breaks things

I didn't use the Tricky camera glitch in this case, but it should be trivial to set up in most cases

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

Can glitch Arwing text box by L-Targeting while Camera-Locked on another map.

No other side effects. Fuel Cells still get spent, and DIM loads fine.

josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

I found a setup that works in SHW, but it does not seem we can skip any useful triggers

josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

I found a setup that can almost skip the "That's my Ma" + "Mission Accomplished" cutscenes. However, it does not quite work because the cutscene plays after reloading TTH.


  • Set up tunnel Cam-Lock
  • Drop Cam-Lock at end of Sewers
  • Enter TTH
  • L-Target to clear lock
  • Open gate
  • Step out passed gate (this unloads sewers)
  • Drop a Cam-Lock
  • Walk back into tunnel, release Cam-Lock (this can be done in the middle of the tunnel)
  • Position Fox such that he is BARELY on the TTH map
  • Turn around and feed Tricky. The camera should move ever-so-slightly into the link map
  • TTH will now unload when you walk back. The Cam-Lock will automatically clear

However, once TTH is reloaded, the cutscene will play, so this is not a true skip.

Can also get a glitched version of the cutscene to play briefly, by loading TTH from the tunnel and quickly moving back into the tunnel to unload TTH. This can also sometimes cause a crash.

This does not count as the cutscene playing, so it will still play again when you reload TTH.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

Belina cutscene skip with Cam-Lock

Also can be used to induce a cutscene-void. I don't understand why this work, cam-lock generally does not work on the same map.

Here is optimal version:

This requires feeding tricky while entering tunnel leading to the ice room. You can cancel the camera glitch immediately, you will still have storage.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

Edit: This post was wrong. Storage values when loading a file seems to be different then storage during a play-through, for some unknown reason.

We can skip the 2nd Queen EarthWalker cutscene, but it loses time. It requires hard console reset on BMC, since we cannot clear our cam-lock storage (addres 0x803DD067 value 26) fast enough to get new cam-lock storage (value 25).

It seems that when cam-lock is set to 26, it does not work in TTH.

Setting up cam-lock in OFPT exterior => 26 Setting up cam-lock in CapeClaw or CapeClaw well => 25

TAS/Single-File can easily bypass the Queen EarthWalker cutscene, when returning from SS4, because they do not need to clear their old cam-lock storage

Edited by the author 2 years ago
San Francisco, CA, USA

Partial "Ma Skip"

Does a cutscene warp after planting bomb in MM Pass, and skips digging the well.

I don't think this saves time. You still need to eventually warp back again after reloading TTH and watch both cutscenes.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

I found a way to get cam-lock storage in CRF. This can be used to unload the dungeon, but it's not useful.

We can keep this storage once we climb out, but there is nowhere to activate the storage that I can tell

So without another discovery, this is useless

Can drop the lock here, but it gets canceled easily:

I used hacks to re-enable Rocket Boost discovery to try this location as well:

Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

It seems you can get a crash if you feed right before an "cam-lock out of range soft-lock boundary" if you do not move.

Hard to explain the glitch, hopefully it makes sense.

josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

Seems useless, but cam-lock can bypass the collision of the dinosaur by WarpStone if used far enough away

josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

Cam-Lock can be used to do either of the following: Option A - Skip obtaining Heel

Option B - Overlap the Heel cutscene with first Alpine cutscene

Option C - Overlap with final Alpine cutscene

Important Details:

  • This will not work if you save/quit/reload after finishing the race. For some reason this interferes with cam-lock storage.
  • The timing on these videos is wrong, because emu lags a lot here.
Edited by the author 3 years ago
josejavier1158 likes this
San Francisco, CA, USA

100% time save by skipping the Krazoa cutscene after placing SS1

Edit: I wonder if we can skip the SS1 puzzles, and do the SS3 route twice instead? Since now we no longer need to place SS1 for K2.

The cutscene still plays if you try to leave the upper MM pass area though, so maybe ESW to escape is needed

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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