Category requests
4 years ago

Hey, I only created the any% category, but if you want to run another one, we can discuss it here and I will probably add it.

Suggestions that come to my mind are demo%, hybrid end, colloseum, 100% and co-op.


Edited by the author 4 years ago

Okay, I got the request to create a category for each of the three paths that exist in the game (magic, science and hybrid).

For hybrid it's easy, because

  1. per definition you can (and need to) use science and magic
  2. it has a different ending As suggested in the opening post, I will create a category "hybrid end" if someone does a run of that.

For the other two it's much harder, because the paths are not clearly defined.

One example: I guess a science-run would profit heavily from using the time-manipulator. But that's a magic structure. So is it allowed to use it? Another one: Would it still be a science-run, if you play the magic path till you get the dragon ship and switch from that point to the science path?

So the only ways I see for specific science and magic path runs are either (A) define them very strictly (visit no science place on magic path and vice versa) This would make the current any% runs invalid for magic path, because in these earth and sunset haven are visited. That would be no real problem as the any% category will stay anyway. or (B) define them by how you get entrance to the enemy HQ This would leave the paths pretty open until the end, but I see a big risk there for science path: It's possible that the fastest route would make heavy use of magic related stuff and thus the runs wouldn't feel like science path.

I like option A more but I'm open for other suggestions.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
thebasiccat and volectrik like this

For me the sience path it's when you finish the game and after the captain is in the ending and the magic is when you speak to the exiled one. Imo the (b) is better

Edited by the author 3 years ago
hungry_wyrm likes this

I'm okay with that. But I think we should include more restrictions, like making some quests mandatory for the run. Otherwise there will be discussions if someone finds a route that respects this rule but isn't really science path.

Something like:

  • Build Factory (from Mechanic)
  • Repair Escort Ship (Mirrows)
  • Research Time! (Professor)
  • Launch Virus (Captain AI)

(I'm not sure with the first one and I think you need the third one to meet Captain AI)

As requested, I created the demo%-category. The goal there is to play both paths to the credits.

As requested, I created the any% co-op category. Since I've never played multiplayer, I'm not sure if the rules are correct and make sense (e.g. do all players see the credits?). If not, please provide suggestions or feedback.

What if there were categories like , i dunno, Kraken%, Splicer%, Colony%, or Mecha Dragon%. Easier, shorter speedruns that center on achievements. (the achievements required for the examples would be The Depths, Non GMO, Another Colony, and Dragon Sans Steak.

I'm not sure if this would be good. There is already the demo for relatively short runs (can easily be done in <1h). Another Colony and Non GMO are almost endgame. And also these wouldn't be easier than the other runs. You always have the same early- and midgame anyways, so I don't see what difference to the existing categories these would bring.

How about a magic path category to match the science path category? The requirements could be something like: -Raise an adult dragon in the dragon den -Magical energy(Alchemist) -Evolve dragonship(Elder dragon) -Spirit path(Spirit) (and beating the final boss obviously)

hello steelpickaxe I will be talking to the mod about this because I too want categories for all the paths. for the requirements we could definitely get rid of spirit path and raise a dragon because they would have no impact on the route. magical energy is just a Prerequisite for evolve dragon ship. evolve dragon ship is the only one I can think of that would have an impact in stopping "exotic" routes that cross between the paths.

since each path has long chains of Prerequisites it hard to think of requirements that would have an impact. I can think of many theoretical routes that could cross paths, but I doubt they would be faster than just doing it normally because you would still need to complete several mandatory quests.

considering this my requirements for the rules would be

Evolve dragon ship - because you may* be able to use the escort ship as a replacement which would make science and magic way too similar to each other and very boring. I really doubt it would be faster, but I wouldn't say impossible, and I don't want to risk the runs becoming the same.

To The Leader - because it the final quest that rolls the credits and so obviously must be included

feel free to send any feedback on the requirements because I have not run magic, so my knowledge is very limited. you can also join the discord which is easier to talk on

What about a category for getting all achievements in the demo? You could call it demo 100% or something.

brokenai likes this
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