New skip in Sandstorm 3
8 years ago

Dang, that's a pretty cool one! Great find, dude!

Minnesota, USA

I'm pretty sure that the level 100% unsanitary could have a skip in it


I was messing around in that level for a while trying to find a skip, but at least on the Wii version I found a ton of invisible walls and death plains to avoid some otherwise sick skips :(

Minnesota, USA

I'll see if I can find anything for the Xbox version

Minnesota, USA

I couldn't find anything


Seems like it's one of the few areas they cared to skip-proof

Minnesota, USA

Yeah seems like it, I'll look more into the other level and see if they're any skips, I'll also try to optimize the movement.

Minnesota, USA

100% Unsanitary Momentum Boost Skip

WWolf77 likes this

Dude, awesome! I'll test to see if it works on Wii!

Minnesota, USA

Yeah good idea, btw you have to jump after you go off the edge, there's a bit of time where you go off the edge where you can still jump


Yeah, that glitched jump is used on a skip at the end of 1-2, I'm not sure if I've done a video on it, though lol

Minnesota, USA

I think I might know what your talking about

Minnesota, USA

we need to try and find a way to make Good Intentions shorter because as of right now its to fucking long of a level


Oh, yeah... It is probably my least favorite, and on Wii it is only half of the Xbox/PS3 level lol

Minnesota, USA

It's a 16 minute level for Xbox 360/PS3, it's not the hardest level but it's very tedious

Minnesota, USA

I just softlocked during Directive and I don't know how


lmao that's impressive

Minnesota, USA

So I found out today that cutscenes don't stop you from getting killed during them.....fml

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