4-2 bottom row clip??
1 year ago
United Kingdom
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

so I finally got 4-2 blazit (twice in the same time of attempts) but one was a bit weird. I jumped too high, bonked on the powerup block and did the clip at the bottom row instead of the middle somehow. Is this any slower or different to clipping in the middle?

Ohio, USA

Clipping in the bottom is slower that clipping in the middle. It can still get the blazit framerule but it's a lot harder

United States

It's THE TAS strat

United Kingdom
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago


so basically I probably missed the fr with that one

tas probably does it in the fastest way possible (don't remember exactly rn) with like perfect warpzone and fast accels and like 2-3 jumps or something

GeometryDashFan likes this
United States

Well, the TAS also saves an extra framerule, so...

Kalaphant likes this

Yea. The tas gets lightning with bottom blazit. This is also because l+r is allowed making fast accels faster. The faster accel if you want to call it that.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Kalaphant likes this
United Kingdom
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

thats sort of what i meant

I only remembered LR fast accels after making the post and never edited it

also isn't there that TAS turnaround to the pipes in warpzone?

United Kingdom
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

also looking back at that clip, it kinda looked like something that I was gonna ask. Would a coin clip into the wall be possible, and would it be faster than normal blazit? It seems like it, but I don't know exactly how coin clip works, I think it's just 'You're 1 block in this wall, that 1 block being a coin tile! you can fully run into this wall now!'

Edited by the author 1 year ago
sussybaka454 likes this

I think you can get 376 pipe entry with bottom coin clip

United Kingdom
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

woah, so basically perfect blazit (not the lightning one) but with a coin? Much faster than I expected. Also, still wondering, how do I coin clip?

United States

Doing regular blazit is going to be easier to pull off consistently. There's a reason that it is the standard way to save the framerule.

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